[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen Medium Nib
I was supposed to get this done earlier in the evening, but FenCon duties distracted me. So I’m going to do a follow up to last week’s post – I discovered on Jetpens.com that the Pilot Metropolitan Roller Ball had a sibling pen – a fountain pen. I had to have one. Fortunately, my husband […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pentel Stein 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil
This week is also featuring a pencil – the Pentel Stein 0.5 in Metallic Green. This mechanical pencil was also a Christmas gift from my husband – but through JetPens, so you can get this one a lot easier. The Pentel Stein is a fairly standard mechanical pencil. The body is enameled in what they […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The Iwako Elephant Novelty Eraser from JetPens.com
I love when JetPens.com has a sample giveaway for reviewers. I sign up every single time (and not just because I like being sent stuff for free–though BONUS!) because I always seem to get something I would never, ever buy on my own and either find what I get amusing (the pink gel pen) or […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The MonAmi Essenti Soft Highlighter in Evergreen from JetPens.Com
Apparently I totally spaced on the fact I signed up for another random sample giveaway at Jetpens.com–until I pulled a package out of my mailbox on Friday. That was a nice surprise. This time JetPens sent me the Essenti Soft Highlighter in Evergreen by MonAmi. I’ve never reviewed a highlighter before, so this is going […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The Palomino Blackwing Wooden Pencil
I was not alone in receiving a pretty black box for Christmas – though mine did not contain jewelry, but a dozen Palomino Blackwing pencils. I’ve held off reviewing them because 1) there was a glut of reviews on them right after Christmas; and 2) I have a habit of randomly plucking thing out of […]
[Pen/Pencil Post] The Zebra Technoline 0.4mm BallPoint Pen
Continuing the smallest pen “mini” series, today’s post is on the Zebra Technoline 0.4mm ballpoint pen. This was from a JetPens.com New Product line and only available through JetPens or other online retailers, the Technoline line is not available on the Zebra Pens website. So this pen is not yet widely available in the US. […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The OHTO Rook from JetPens.com
I was thrilled last week when Brad Dowdy from JetPens.com emailed me out-of-the-blue and asked if I would be interested in reviewing something for JetPens if he sent it to me. My response was only slightly more professional than “Duh!” and “HECK YES!” I LOVE JetPens.com. My limited disposable income is often split between bookstores […]