[Spotlight Post] Morganville Vampires and Rachel Caine
I know I’m a day late and probably a dollar short with my Spotlight post, but I am trying to be good and still get everything in. [asa]0451219945[\asa] This week Rachel Caine – whom I’ve spotlighted before – launched a Kickstarter program to finally get her Morganville Vampire book series turned into a web series. […]
What I’m Reading – Media Tie In & Supermodels
I haven’t done a “what I’m reading” post in a very long time. I apologize for that, but I have been reading as well as writing. [asa]0312949251[/asa] My friend, Debbie, introduced me to this book. I read it in between Star Trek Media Tie-Ins. One I got used to the First Person Present Tense usage, […]
Immense Dimensions of Your Monster is Live…
This is a funky, 330 word piece of flash fiction I originally wrote for a contest. The story had to be inspired by a piece of spam email… Dave Duggins at Spacesuits and Sixguns saw the potential when Weird Tales, alas, did not…but then Dave is an editor of exceptional wit and talent… So, on […]
For the Cold War and EBook Fans Out There – Allan Cole
For those of you who are aficionados of Cold War history and/or just dig EBooks, have I got a book for you. My friend and awesome author, Allan Cole has released a non-fiction ebook, LUCKY IN CYPRUS: A True Story About A Boy, A Teacher, An Earthquake, Some Terrorists And The CIA…. You can read […]