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[Pen/Pencil Review] Missing SoonerCon

Posted by reudaly on June 24, 2020 in Conventions, Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This is a rerun because we should’ve been about to go to SoonerCon and this has been a super weird week. I miss my SoonerCon family. I wish them all well, and we’ll all be together again next year (I hope). This was last year – last year was an amazing SoonerCon – next year will be more so.

This is kind of a double review from some of the stuff I picked up at SoonerCon following a Day Job Conference. I could do the random collection of swag pens I picked up – or I could show you these two awesome pieces.

Since it’s a pen blog – let’s start with this amazingly fun mermaid tail pen. My friend, Lillian Butler – who also designs awesome jewelry – has found a vendor that does not only the weird tentacle pens (which I love) but also these mermaid tails. These pens are long but not obnoxious. It runs just under 7.5″ long. It’s a hard resin carved with scales but the grip is smooth and just on that edge of being too narrow but not quite.
mermaid tail pens
The metal tip leads into the tail. There’s an edge, but I don’t think it’s going to be too uncomfortable. It is a (by US standards) a “fine point” so it’s a 0.7mm tip with decent feeling ballpoint. The black ink flows well and dark. It doesn’t smear much on a glossy page.

Which leads me to the page I did the sample on – it’s a black cover Field Notes 48-page notebook. These are nice 3.5″ x5.5″ pocket notebooks. But that’s not the coolest part. That notebook is inside a handmade leather by a Colorado artist who’s name completely escapes me – but pretty sure his initials are “CG” (Sorry, Peri). He does sturdy, beautiful leather work. This is the harder leather which gives a sturdy enough surface to make a note on without needing a table, and I couldn’t resist the quote from Princess Bride. There’s a beautiful scroll work on the back I’ve treated this cover with a waxed-based leather conditioner I got at Scarborough Renaissance Festival years ago to weatherproof it as well. The cover is completely refillable and I have a TON of similar sized notebooks to put in it.
Leather covered field notes notebook and mermaid pen
I look forward to years of working with the notebook. The pen? I hope to get a goodly bit of use out of it.
Princess Bride leather notebook and mermaid pen
The numbers:
1. How does it work?0.5 The pen is decent. It’s a bit on the long side and almost too narrow. Probably spent more on it than I needed to. The notebook is functional – kinda wished I’d picked up one of them that had a closure band.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s a mermaid pen. There’s nothing ergonomic about it. But it is what it is. A decent novelty pen. The notebook is just amazing. I love a good leather notebook.
3. Material1 The pen is carved resin. The notebooks is leather with a great brand of notebook inside
4. Overall Design1 -It’s a fun stick pen with the separate cap already gone. The notebook is my happy place
5. Price Point0.5 – I got these from friends at a convention – that means supporting local artists. The pen was $5 – which yes, you can get them in bulk on Amazon for WAY cheaper, but supporting artist with something fun. The notebook was $25 – but handmade and unique design? Totally worth it – not cheap, but a good investment. Especially since it helps an independent artist.

4.0 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write the Story] Halloween Night in a Hospital

Posted by reudaly on June 19, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Halloween Night in a Hospital

Words: centaur, interweave, placid, benefactor, peppermint, gondola, lambada, twilight, inlet, threw

I don’t know if I’m a good person or a glutton for punishment. But I’m here and ready for anything.

Famous last words. Time to go to work. I girded my proverbial loins, popped a peppermint and threw myself into the fray that is the emergency room on Halloween. I gathered my terrified interns and tried for a pep talk. “Boo!” They squeaked and twitched as I pulled off the Twilight character mask. “All right. This is your first Hallowween. Time to throw you in the deep end. Lake Placid Community is counting on you to not fall apart.”

Thus began the shift. A “benefactor” brought in a dancer dressed for the lambada with a wrenched hip and broken ankle. I had an intern send the poor dancer for scans. She wouldn’t be wiggling again soon. Then I did an interweave through the ward, making sure everyone was calm and professional. No one snickered when the gondola driver came in with a prop paddle in his…inlet. That never ceased to amaze.

Then deep night fell, and I sucked in a deep breath. Now we’d find out if the interns had what it took to work here. A deep chime tolled, and I exchanged a nod and knowing look with the charge nurse.

“Okay, folks, buckle up. Here we go.”

Confusion played across several faces.

Then the centaurs came through the door.

Word Count: 231

Written: 9/19/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Staples House Brand Copper Ballpoint Stick Pen

Posted by reudaly on June 16, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Today’s pen is the Staples point of sale pen. I bought it was because it was pretty. It’s a copper colored metal stick ballpoint pen. I don’t know if it’s a Strata like the other Staples brand, but it is lovely.
Staples Copper stick pen cap posted

The Strata is 5.25″ long capped and about 6.25″ with the cap posted. It has absolutely no ergonomics. The grip is molded copper metal with threaded insert into the barrel. The detail is like a nut and screw but only back part functions. The cap is molded copper metal with a swooping metal clip. The cap does post securely, so you’re not going to lose it. The length is comfortable and fairly well-balanced in the hand. The drop between the grip and the tip of the pen has rounded edges so there isn’t a lot of digging into the fingers if you tend to “choke down” on a pen.
Staples Copper Pen writing sample
The ink is a generic Parker-style black ballpoint ink refill. The point is a 1.0mm. It’s a smooth line and decent ink, but I am going to change it out for a Parker-style gel ink at some point. It’s nice enough.
Staples Copper Stick Pen cap posted
This was one of the pens in the bulk displays by the cash register. It was one of the more expensive ones, but still not bad – I think $2.99? It’s a good little pen. It’s super pretty and functional.

Now to the numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – It works fine. Smooth flow. It’s got a decent stock ballpoint, Parker-style refill.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s solid, but I’m going to knock it back a touch because of the lack of grip. It’s all metal and hard, but it tries to be comfortable.
3. Material1 It’s metal – copper over metal, molded into a sleek design.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s a decent body design. It’s decent ink. It’s a solid pen for what it is.
5. Price Point0.5 – It’s not cheap but it’s not expensive. $3-ish is not bad for an impulse pen buy.

4 out of 5 bronze pencils.

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[Write the Story] A Coup at a Secret Base

Posted by reudaly on June 12, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A Coup at a Secret Base

Words: desert, waylay, pensive, gazillions, juniper, helicopter, lotus, captain, bandana, taco

“Are we really doing this?” Magda crouched beneath the juniper tree, staring across the desert.

“We agreed. There has to be change. We are the change.” Toby pointed past the fencing. “We’re going in and we’re taking that place over.”

“Okay.” Magda pulled the bandana up and over her pensive expression. “Let’s go.”

“Then let’s go.” Toby leapt to his feet and waved to the others. A small wave of a a couple of dozen people in desert fatigues swarmed the fence. The headquarters building was next. Toby and Magda stormed the general’s office.

General Rachin choked on his taco. “What is all this Captain Cavenaugh? Ensign Ginsberg?”

“You’ve spent gazillions of dollars on a useless piece of equipment called the ‘Lotus Helicopter’. You’re not fit to run this base anymore. We’re taking over.”

“You’re trying to waylay this entire base and this project because you think I spent too much money?”

“Fiscal responsibility is our number one objective in the Bureau.”

“Do you know what we do here?” Rachin thumped his fist on the desk narrowly missing the guacamole. “This is a Top Secret and beyond. We are the future.”

“You’re done. Nothing is worth this much waste. You’re done.” Cavenaugh gestured toward his soldiers. “Take him away.”

Word Count: 209

Written: 6/11/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Silver, Gold, White Gel Pens and Black Paper

Posted by reudaly on June 9, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This week’s pen blog is pen and paper. I went on a bit of a spree a week or so ago. I thought the neon pens would work on black paper – so I ordered black notebook paper, which didn’t work out as well as I thought, so then I ordered a collection of while, silver, and gold gel pens. Those did work.
Black paper with writing sample and pens
The black paper is basic filler paper size – 8.5” x 10” – wide(ish) ruled, three-hole punched. Black paper is thicker and has a bit of a coating on it. It makes ink harder to “stick”, but the gel pens work well on it. The white takes a bit more effort to get going. The silver and gold are good to go.
Black paper and writing sample
The pens are narrow stick pens with clear barrels and caps. The pens have a 0.5mm needle tip roller ball. The ink is thick and viscous. It will smear if you’re not careful – it takes a few seconds to dry on the black paper. But there’s a great contrast between the light color of the metallics and the black paper. The pens are 6.5” long capped and not quite 7” capped. The clip is molded clear plastic. The cap posts securely. The plug in the end of the barrel matches the ink color. The clear barrel allows you to see the ink level.

These were all inexpensive on Amazon. The pens were 18 pieces – 6 of each color for $7.99, so less than $1.00. The paper was $7.00. The paper was the more expensive thing. But Amazon and fun and delivered.
To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 The ink is strong and came in a solid 0.5mm. The paper is fine.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s a think stick pen with no ergonomics, but inexpensive.
3. Material1 – It’s a translucent plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – These are solid pens and decent paper.
5. Price Point1 – The pens are under a dollar. The paper is the more expensive part of this transaction. But it all evens out.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

4 and a half bronze pencils

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[Write the Story] Shenanigans on a Movie Set

Posted by reudaly on June 5, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Shenanigans on a Movie Set

Words: stunt, wring, lull, stingy, husband, ginger, buggy, pedal, llama, anaconda


“Oh, come on. It’ll be funny.” Judy smiled at her husband, Zach. “Besides we’re in a lull right now while they set up the next set of shots. She gestured as wranglers moved two ginger llamas and an anaconda across the set.

“If this gets back to the studio, we’ll have to put pedal to the metal to keep from getting sued.

“You’re being too dramatic, Zach. This studio is too stingy to spring for the lawyers. Besides, what could go wrong?”

“Wish is how all our movies get started. What do you want me to do?”

A moment later, they ducked behind a set of barrels with a remote control. Judy started to wring her hands in maniacal glee. Zach tried not to be too worried about her sudden Evil Genius mode. “Do you want to drive?”

“Gimme.” She snatched the remote.

The stunt buggy on the other side of the set suddenly roared to life and ran around in donut circles. The cries of ghost car and other more adult language sent Judy into fits of laughter. Zach pulled the remote out of her hands, dumped it on the barrels, and dragged her away before the angry crew came afer them.
Word Count: 203

Written: 6/4-5/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Blog] Wooden Pencil Parade

Posted by reudaly on June 3, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I obviously didn’t get a blog done yesterday. This year…wow, this year. I’m exhausted. I ended up working the Day Job last evening and just didn’t have it in me to make this happen.
Wooden pencils of all types
All of these are from Graphite Pencil + Paper – from two subscription boxes and our first trip out and about once pandemic reopening started. These are all higher end wooden pencils – still figuring out the Perpetuas. The others are great. A couple feel like 2B – and not just HBs. I love the softer, darker leads, so these make me happy. They’re more like drawing pencils than school pencils.
Wooden pencils of all types
The ones on the right edge – the fluorescent and the white – are highlighter pencils and a chalk pencil for the black paper stuff. The fluorescent highlighter pencils work well on thinner paper or whenever you don’t want regular hightlighers bleeding through whatever you’re marking up.

There’s something weirdly visceral sometimes about wooden pencils. They’re warm. They’re basic. AND — there’s a weird sense of accomplishment when you use one up. Pencils are amazing. Check them out.

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[Write The Story] Ten People in a Blackout

Posted by reudaly on May 29, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Ten People in a Blackout

Words: ballet, thunder, grind, handwriting, partner, yardstick, adopt, swarm, bundle, prodigious


I stared out the window at the wild ballet Nature performed outside. I could hear the voices in the other room as an underlying buzz to the wind and thunder whipping against the windows.

“Are you coming back, Felix? It’s time.”

I pushed back from the window and tried not to grind my teeth by trying to smile at my partner, Kim. Time to adopt my professional persona. “You have the handwriting sample?”

“Here.” Kim handed me the prodigious bundle of papers.

I nearly tripped over the furniture as we made our way back to the library. Lightning had knocked out the power an hour before. The other eight milled about the fireplace in a slow swarm. They all turned to stare at me as I joined them. Kim closed the massive double doors behind us.

I studied them in turn, measuring them by my own personal yardstick. This was my game now. I made the rules.

“Why are we here?”

Rookie move. “We’re here to reveal a killer,” I said. “On this dark and storm night, one of us committed murder.”

There was the usual denial, shock and surprise. But none more than when Kim shot them all. They were all miserable people and sometimes being a detective? It just gave you ideas.

Word Count: 214

Written: 5/28/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] RERUN – Fisher Space Pen Space Shuttle Edition

Posted by reudaly on May 27, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

About a year ago, Jimmy and I took an extra day after Comicpalooza to visit Johnson Space Center. I bought a Fisher Space Pen – Space Shuttle Edition and reviewed it. Today was supposed to be a great space day – the first time since 2007 that astronauts were launched into space on American soil. On SpaceX. Unfortunately, 17 minutes before the launch, it was scrubbed due to weather. Their next window is Saturday. To honor this occasion, I decided to rerun my space themed pen.

Fisher Space Pen in packageToday’s pen is the is another Fisher Space Pen – this one I bought when we went to Houston and visited the Johnson Space Center (Yay! NASA!). It is chrome over brass with a gold space shuttle on it. Which made it a must have.

This pen came with a PR4 Medium Point Black pressurized ink cartridge. This is what makes the Fisher Space Pen unique. The medium point is a 1.1mm ball point. The pressurized barrel of the ink lets this pen write in more environments and angles than other pens, and touts a longer lasting ink life. They do make a 0.9mm “fine point” refill (which I have one somewhere or need to buy a couple more but they’re not super cheap – but they also have the gas pressure, work everywhere, technology.
Fisher space pen writing sample
Fisher has been making pens for the Space program for a long time. This pen is just over 5” long retracted and 5.25” with the point extended. The cap/plunger and most of the barrel are smooth chrome over brass with a metal clip embellished with a gold space shuttle. The top of the cap is flat for easy plunger action. The grip is etched brass with chrome plating for something to hold on to.
Fisher Space Pen Shuttle with point out
I picked this one up at the Space Center Houston gift shop and can’t find it available anywhere else. I believe this exclusive to NASA’s gift shops and runs $30. So not cheap but not horrible for what it is – a very cool, geeky momento of the nation’s space program.
Fisher Space Pen Shuttle Unpackaged
The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – I haven’t tried writing with this pen underwater or in zero gravity, but it does write at all angles. I’d show you, but it’s hard to get that proof. The ink flows well. It does what it says it does.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s got traction, not a “grip”. The grip is a ribbed etching in the chrome plating. It’s all metal, and borderline comfortable on diameter and length – but the edge of the cap to the barrel for the retractation doesn’t dig too much
3. Material1 – It’s brass. So it’s a sturdy but light pen – for the barrel. The colors and design make it a lovely pen that can stand up to some beating and the space shuttle detail seems secure.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s well-designed for what it is. It’s about the normal length of a typical retractable pen. It’s pretty. It can be used in any condition. Nothing about it feels cheap or flimsy. And it does write in a lot of ways.
5. Price Point0.5 – It’s not cheap. This one runs $29.00 at Paradise Pen Company. You can probably find it cheaper or on sale in other places. Refills are available – in a wide array of colors, and even some different point types for common colors – for $6-$7 a pop depending on where you get them. That’s not cheap, but for the length of time they’re useable and how many ways you can use the refills, it makes this a long term use pen that evens out the investment.

That’s 4 of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.0

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[Write the Story] Keeping a Promise

Posted by reudaly on May 22, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Keeping a Promise

Words: abolitionist, coyote, forbid, gloomy, keen, lesson, genetics, variable, retort, moss


“Why so gloomy, Gus?”

I bit back a snarky retort. I wasn’t keen on starting a dialog of any sort. Heaven forbid it turn into an actual conversation. And for the record, my name’s not Gus. I continued to work on my equation. It wasn’t solving right, so there had to be a problem with one variable or another.

“Is this another trap? Another lesson to be learned? You realize it’s simply a matter of genetics. My lower mass means I will always be faster to escape any attempt you can make to catch me.”

I tuned out the litany. The tired refrain of countless attempts to silence the voice. Maybe I wanted to fail. It wouldn’t be the first time or the last. The cycle continued from parent to offspring. Each of us playing the role taught to us by our ancestors. I was tired. So tired. Now it was time to break the cycle. Free us from the struggle created by the ACME company all those years ago. And there! The misplaced coefficient! It worked! It was do-able. The Abolitionist Equation worked! I could put an end to the promise once and for all. It was exhilarating and sad at the same time.

“My name is Wile E. Coyote VI and this time, Roadrunner, my friend, my nemesis. We end this. Forever.”

Word Count: 224

Written: 5/20/2020

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