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[Writer Post] It’s A Book Party

Posted by reudaly on August 5, 2015 in Books, Writing with Comments closed |

Oh, hey, it really is Wednesday – it’s been one of those strange weeks. It felt like Thursday for a big chunk of the day. The Day Job ran long with a late meeting about a new(ish) project that I didn’t know about until after I was at work today. It’s thrown off my rhythm today, but on the upside, things have progressed on the writer front.
I got my box of books this week. Tarbox Station LIVES! Not only that, but there’s going to be a party for it. Thanks to Tiffany, Drew, and the whole crew at Roll2Play. Tuesday night, August 18th from 7-9pm in Carrollton, we’re going have a low key “welcome to the world” party to my first solo novel with some dessert snacks and games and talking. I couldnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt have done it without all of you guys supporting me. So come out and help me celebrate it – we’ll miss Tex Thompson who’s in the Pacific Northwest until the end of the month.
The next big push for the book will be FenCon, my convention-going friends. That’s the place where all of us will be – Yard Dog Press, me, the awesomely talented Mitch Bentley who did the cover. That’s the next place of action – you can have a book there signed by BOTH of us. And, well, let’s face it – any YDP author you ask, because we’ll sign just about anything you ask us to – whether we had anything to do with it or not. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

NOTE: If you’re buying the ebook – buy it from Amazon. If you’re buying the hard copy buy it from Yard Dog Press (or from me).

Also, I signed contracts for a short story I wrote back in June. It should be out at the end of October. More details when know for sure I can talk about it. But it makes me happy that the effort I put into finishing it by the deadline was worth it. Makes me more motivated to continue with the word counts.

I should be (and have been) working on the Christmas Play for church. It’s about to be woefully overdue, but it’s really hard to think about Christmas and winter when it’s 102 with a heat index of hellfire. But I made a commitment and I’ll keep it. Fortunately this time, I’m leaving LOTS of room for music, so there doesn’t need to be as much “story”. ๐Ÿ˜Ž It’s going forward. Forward is good.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Padrino Tech Silver Roller Ball Pen – Black Ink

Posted by reudaly on August 3, 2015 in Life with Comments closed |

This week’s pen is the last one of my birthday pens from Paradise Pen Company. This is one of their signature brand pens – a Padrino. This is the Padrino Tech Silver Roller Ball Pen in black ink. This is a moderately priced gift/luxury ball point pen. It retails for $45, but right now it’s on sale for $20 online (and probably in store, if you can find it. I think I got the last one at the Dallas store).
The Padrino Tech has a brushed silver barrel with a smooth, modern sweeping clip. The cap is solid and posts well. There’s no fear of the cap flying off willy nilly. It takes a good tug to get the cap off. The clip is sturdy and solid. This pen won’t go anywhere without an effort.
The pen writes smoothly and has a good weight and balance. It’s about 5.25″ long capped and just over 5.5″ with the cap posted. It’s is long enough to be comfortable with a medium diameter for a decent grip – no ergonomics. The finish can show dirt – I thought I saw dings, but just buffed them out with little effort. But I’d still be careful in a purse or briefcase.
If you need a gift pen, or a pen just to look good on your work desk, you can’t go wrong with this one. With the easily findable refill, it’s easy to use over the long-term. The sale price, makes it quite reasonable for a graduation gift or any other reason. It’s a well-built pen, which is something I’ve come to expect from Paradise Pen Company. Padrino is their “house” brand and stands up to more expensive brands.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 It’s good. It’s a smooth ink in a decent point. The twist retraction mechanism is smooth and easy to use.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It has no real ergonomics. There’s no good grip, just the brushed metal finish. The cap lock creates a ridge that can dig in during long term use.
3. Material1 It’s a solid metal pen. It has a strong, artistic clip. The finish seems like it shows marks, but cleans well and easily.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s a standard capped roller ball point pen. But it works well, looks good, and cleans better than I expected. This is a pen that will live out its investment.
5. Price Point0.5If you pay full price, it’s expensive at $45. The fact that even the website has it for $20 makes it a good value for its class – but it is refillable so there’s that, but it’s definitely an investment pen.

4.0 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

[Writer Post] Updatery

Posted by reudaly on July 29, 2015 in Books, Writing with Comments closed |

It’s Wednesday. I’m about to have a bunch of people over for dinner. So, here we go… some semblance of a blog post. Let’s go with “Updatery…”

My book is out – at least in electronic form. The print copy is coming, and now I have the cover up on Amazon. I know of TWO WHOLE copies that have sold. If there are more, yay. But to those two – and to Margaret who’s already reviewed it – THANK YOU!!!! If you feel so compelled, please buy and review. I know most of my friends are waiting for the print version. That’s cool, too. And now the cover shows up! Oh, and apparently the print IS also now available! Score! If you buy the ebook, get it from Amazon. If you order the print online, get it from YardDog, please.
ArmadilloCon was great. Good panels. Good audiences. I know there were people there I wanted to see – but didn’t because our paths just never quite crossed. I barely got to speak to J. Kathleen Cheney – and we had a signing together, but she was on the other side of Martha Wells. Michael Ashleigh Finn and I had a joint reading Friday night at 9 pm – EIGHT people showed up. I was very grateful.

This was an oddly scheduled convention for me. I tend to do the early panels (much more of a morning person than a late person). But this convention was not that. I didn’t even start my Saturday of paneling until 2pm – but then went to 11 pm (that 10 pm Comics on TV panel was both fun and hard). Then there was talking with Joe Lansdale and a table full of fun and awesome folks before doing a tour of parties. It was…interesting… not being the one that had to have the alarm set. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

ArmadilloCon was also good for one thing… Joe Lansdale flat out asked me if I was still writing regularly. I am – though not always brand new fiction words – with all the editing I’ve had to do and blog posts. But now I’m determined to be BETTER about making sure the writing regularly means new words on top of the other stuff – like the Redheads read through.

Next up on the docket – there’s Christmas play I need to finish. Then I figure out my next project. There are projects needing finishing – both long and short fiction – so we’ll see. But I’m leaning toward the YA fairy tale universe(ish) novel /novelette (depending on how long it comes out), since a story I just sold ties into it…

Fortunately – after tomorrow – the “major” things currently on my calendar this week will be done. We have no plans to leave the house this weekend. Now I need to go cook up a bunch of bacon and sausage for a waffle dinner. Yum…

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Uni-Ball Air Rollerball Multi-Pack

Posted by reudaly on July 27, 2015 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Last week I had to pick some notebooks up from Staples (they were on serious sale for Back-To-School), and I was sent unattended. Always a danger, because hello, PENS ON SALE! Not only were these on sale, they said “NEW!” Yeah, I had to buy a package of Uni-Ball Air – in the Black, Blue, Red package.
The Uni-Ball Air promises the ability to write at any angle with a bold line – while being a 0.7mm rollerball. I’ve actually had to look at these again. I played with these all day today and before I left for ArmadilloCon – and I would’ve sworn they were conical fiber tips. It was taking another look at the packaging that made me do a double check. And sure enough… they kinda had me fooled.
The ink is – as they claim – bold. The ink is rich and dark with minimal smearing if you hit it right after writing. For a 0.7mm, the line is thicker than I would expect with a more “brushed” kind of look and soft point feel that I associate with fiber tips. The ball rolls smoothly with little or no skipping or scratching. Seriously, I was afraid of the tips mushing or feathering – that’s how much I thought the packaging was wrong, but it’s not, because I did a test to write with the side of the cone. Nothing happened. The conical tip is color coordinated with the pen and LOOKS like a fiber tip without being one.
These pens are a standard stick pen length at 5.5″ long capped and 6.5″ long with the cap posted. The barrel is a little thicker than standard but comfortable holding a huge ink reservoir that looks like you should be able to refill them. The reservoir is pressurized somehow – because I did do the upside down and against a wall writing test. They work at the odd angles. Uni-Ball calls this ink “Super Ink” and is supposed to protect against fading, water, and fraud…so I just ran a wet finger across a scratch piece of paper I wrote on. Nothing happened to the notes I made on the pen.
This is a pretty nifty design – there’s attention to detail on the barrel. The body has a textured pattern for a sophisticated detail. The tip and grip are molded plastic with a gray plastic detail. The barrels match the ink colors. The grip is a solid molded piece with no ridges until you get to the locking part for the cap. The cap is semi-transparent with a molded plastic clip – which would be the weak link with heavy use.
Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and is pretty dark and rich. It lives up to the hype of writing at all angles.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s plastic. Well done plastic but completely plastic. There are some ridges for the cap lock that can dig in.
3. Material1 It’s all plastic but for the most part the detailing and design are pretty nifty. The clip will be the first thing to fail.
4. Overall Design1 – Okay, I like it since it managed to surprise me. The ink and design are well done. I see this as a solid, every day pen.
5. Price Point0.5 – These aren’t going to be cheap. These were on sale at Staples (and are still registering) at $7 for a 3 pack – that’s kind of expensive for a plastic stick pen, but it works as advertised, and if it’s refillable, it could be a solid long term pen. They normally run $9.99 – which is still expensive for this kind of pen.

I give it a 4 out of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.0

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[Writer Post] Things to Do. People to See

Posted by reudaly on July 22, 2015 in Conventions, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Hello, Wednesday. Let’s try to put together a blog post. It’s one of those weeks of “Things To Do” and “People To See”.

Good News:
1. The eBook version of Tarbox Station is now available! WOO HOO!
[asa] B0121JTCDS[/asa]
2. I’m part of SF Signal’s Mind Meld this week.
3. ArmadilloCon starts on Friday – and it’s going to be a lot of fun and a lot of work.
4. North Texas Comic Book Show went really well. I was glad to see the increased turn out with the addition of Gigi Edgley and Richard Hatch. Looking forward to seeing what the organizer does to grow the show.

MEH News:
1. I ordered the wrong title of an anthology I’m in for ArmadilloCon – didn’t realize until packing for North Texas. Fortunately Michael Ashleigh Finn will have copies for us to sign at our joint reading Friday night.
2. I went to Office Max to get the spiral bound memo notebooks I use for my promo notebooks. They had the most affordable option – a 12 pack of notebooks for about $9. The switch to Office Depot branded stuff has taken over and now, my notebooks are TWICE as expensive because Office DEPOT only offers 3 packs of notebooks for $4. Working on options now, but might not be available before ArmadilloCon this weekend.

Now to get the housework done before our dogsitter (my nephew, JD) comes to hang out with us tomorrow night. Freya isn’t instant warming up to strangers IMMEDIATELY, so we’re giving him some time to get to know her while we’re here. There’s also packing and some baking to be done.

Things to do! Allons-Y See you at ArmadilloCon this weekend!

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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Optimus Felt Tip 2 Pack

Posted by reudaly on July 20, 2015 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Last week I hit up a Dollar General for some inexpensive plastic ware to transport cookies to a show. If I’m doing that, I’m also going to hit up the “Back to School” and office supply aisle. Which is where I found this misprinted set, and had to have it – for a $1. The back card and pens are assembled correctly. The face card? Printed upside down.
I was a little disappointed that the pens came in two sets – green/blue and red/purple. I really, really wanted a red/blue set just for the Optimus Prime joke. But that’s me… These are 5.5″ inches long capped and 6.5″ long with the caps posted.
There’s nothing overtly special about these pens. They’re light with no ergonomics. The tips seem a little long, which means they could probably fray or worse with hard use. But the color is good. The lines are sharp. But, they do have solid metal clips and the caps post securely.
Considering these were only a $1, I will cut a lot of slack to a pen. But it’s a pretty decent utility pen if you like felt tips. Or, if you want a decent pen that can lost, stolen, or destroyed during a school year? The price is right.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and is pretty dark and rich.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s a cheap pen. It’s plastic. It has little in regards of grip. There are ridges that can dig in, and it’s a bit long.
3. Material1 This is an inexpensive, plastic pen. It is what it is. It’s a serviceable specialty color gel ink. It’s got some nice detailing.
4. Overall Design0.5 – For what it is, it’s decent, but I feel like the felt tip is too long and can be too easily destroyed..
5. Price Point1 – These are CHEAP. Two for $1. If you need a truly inexpensive writing experience, this is it.

I give it a 4 out of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.0

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[Conventions] ArmadilloCon 37 Programming

Posted by reudaly on July 17, 2015 in Conventions, Writing with Comments closed |

Come join us for fun and merriment!

ArmadilloCon 37 Programming

Fr2100B Dual Reading
Fri 9:00 PM-10:00 PM Southpark B
Eudaly, Finn

Sa1400D Fannish Feud
Sat 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Ballroom D
Bobo, DeNardo, Duchamp, Eudaly, Kelley, Leicht*, Hollas, Liu, Morrow, Sarath, Wilson
Come see our Fans vs. Pros game show event.

Sa1600DR Autographing
Sat 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Dealers’ Room
Cheney, Eudaly, Finn, Latner, Reed, Webb, Wells

Sa1800A Attracting and Growing an Audience for Your Work
Sat 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Southpark A
Eudaly*, K. M. Hoover, Melton, Picacio, Rose

Sa2200F Comic Books on TV
Sat 10:00 PM-11:00 PM Ballroom F
Bey, Eudaly, Klaw, Lalumiere, Porter*, Rogers

Su1300D Learning from Others’ Mistakes: Writing Errors to Avoid
Sun 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Ballroom D
Burton, Eudaly, Finn*, Latner, Swendson
You don’t have to make every writing error personally. How do you use others’ failures as a way to improve your own work?

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[Writer Post][Spotlight Post] Hello, Pluto, You’re Looking Fine…

Posted by reudaly on July 15, 2015 in Spotlight, Writing with Comments closed |

It’s Wednesday, and it’s a writer blog day, but I’m not really going to write about writing today. Because today, even though I’m a writer – I’m a Big Fat Science Geek – actually this whole week because through the miracles of modern technology I’ve watched us finally get to see Pluto in all its glory.

Yes, on my phone and iPad, I’ve been streaming the media briefings and such going out live from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Friday, I’ll be streaming the next news out of NASA headquarters. Even though I’m not “scientific” I’m excited by the discoveries coming out the preliminary data and pictures. Pictures that are detailed and amazing and evidence of WATER ICE. And to see the New Horizons teams so very, very excited.

A NASA released photo I grabbed from the WSJ. The emotion is beautiful.

A NASA released photo I grabbed from the WSJ. The emotion is beautiful.

Oh, and for the record… I’m firmly…FIRMLY in the PLUTO IS A PLANET camp. MY solar system has NINE planets (and orbits uphill both directions barefoot in the snow).

The technology that’s been decades in the making, that’s been nearly a decade to come to fruition… and to find out there’s so much we didn’t know that can be applied to other bodies. I pray… I PRAY HARD… that the amazing thing the New Horizons teams managed to achieve through all the politics, all the budget cuts, all the “why do we need this” – leads to MORE. More inspiration, more insight, more adventure. I want these scientists and engineers not only have an entire career of analysis and discovery, but also use this as a stepping stone to greater achievements.

Another NASA photo of Pluto. Details are astounding.

Another NASA photo of Pluto. Details are astounding.

I hope the videos, the interviews, and the data gets pushed out through media, social media, and education to inspire young minds to take what these teams have accomplished and use it as a stepping stone to further research the planets, moons, and Kuiper Belt. The New Horizons Team has gone where no one has gone before – they’re living that dream, and they’re sharing it with us through TV, through streaming. We got to live that moment with them…in the very best vicarious manner.

And what I love more than anything is in looking at the list of the team leads for this historic project is the number of women listed in the team leads. WOMEN can do science. WOMEN can do math. WOMEN can send a small robot the size of a piano THREE BILLION miles away to give us the first, best look at the farthest planet in our solar system.

Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. No matter who you are. No matter your age, gender, or ability. If you want to be a scientist – do it. Want to write the next best seller – DO IT. Want to learn to cook or paint or build houses? Don’t let anything stop you. And now, I need to go follow my own advice and write a best selling … something. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pilot Hi-Tec-C Maica in Black

Posted by reudaly on July 13, 2015 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I just found a pen I picked up from a while back that I haven’t reviewed yet. It’s another in the Pilot Hi-Tec-C line. This one the Maica line – which is a “fashion” type stick rollerball pen. The fashion part is in the logo medallion and the point size on the smoky cap.
It’s also a chance to revisit this pen again. I’ve wrote about the Hi-Tec-C before in other points and colors. This i. I really do like the Pilot Hi-Tec-C line – in any color because they do points like 0.4mm (and smaller). It runs almost 6.50″ with the cap posted, and 5.75″ capped – which is just a shade longer than others in the line. This pen has been comfortable in my hand in other incarnations and remains so now.
This one is black ink with a smooth line. The grip has dimples that allows for a better grip – there is a little bit of a ledge that can dig in, but it’s in a good place for comfort. The barrel is about half transparent but with black accents.
The cap has a faceted dome on the top of the cap. There’s a small loop on the cap, but no clip. The cap has some detailing and posts securely to the back of the barrel.

It’s a pretty pen. It’s a solid pen for so fine a point. And it’s relatively affordable but only available online through places like JetPens from Japan.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and it’s comfortable.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – The grip is actually textured into the plastic with dimples. For the kind of pen it is, it’s okay. It does have a ledge near to the grip that can dig in.
3. Material1 This is an inexpensive, plastic pen. It is what it is. It’s a serviceable specialty color gel ink. It’s got some nice detailing.
4. Overall Design0.5 -It’s a good pen for everyday use. It’s a go-to pen. Pilot makes a good pen. The cap doesn’t have a clip, it’s got a small loop.
5. Price Point1 – For a possibly disposable pen (though it does have refills) and the fact that you can only order it from JetPens, it’s not the least expensive pen on the market. It’s $2.50 a piece. It’s not that bad, and it’s refillable and comes in lots of colors.

I give it a 4 out of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.0

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[Writer Post] And Here We Are

Posted by reudaly on July 8, 2015 in Conventions, Life, Writing with Comments closed |

Man, I’ve been a huge slacker this week. The galley proofs for the book are back with Yard Dog Press, the next time I see it, it’ll be a real book, Pinocchio. There’s still something very surreal about that.

And, after three weeks of travel, two conventions, three deadlines, adopting a new dog, and having family over for a good visit and to meet the dog… I needed a break. Just a few days of readjusting back to not running full bore. And really, who wouldn’t be distracted by this face?
I totally forgot my pen blog. I almost forgot this. I do have another deadline looming at the end of the month that I need to get cracking on. It’s started, it just need finishing. Then…then I need to figure out what the next move is.

I have a couple of projects in process. I should probably finish one of those. I’m in one of those places where there could be another book in the Tarbox universe…if there’s a call for it. It’s sold as a stand alone – but I’ve got some thing that can be explored there if it sells enough and/or has enough demand for another one. I started making notes.

A lot has to happen first. Like the next deadline. And two more shows/conventions. Oh, yeah, and FenCon

Come see me:

July 18th – North Texas Comic Book Show – Dallas.

July 24-26th – ArmadilloCon – Austin

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