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[Writer Post] The Week of Weird

Posted by reudaly on May 18, 2016 in Life, Writing with Comments closed |

Yes, it’s been the week of weird – but in a relatively good way. But all my routines and rhythms are completely out the window. Hopefully I can get it all back during the weekend and for next week. And maybe I can stop being easily distracted (yeah, right).

There’s been writing and submitting and then all kinds of wacky-ness with an unexpected trip to the theatre to see Intergalactic Nemesis. Then there was trying to rebuild my music on my phone – it’s been messed up since I got the new computer. Which meant I didn’t get to bed early on Monday like I was going to before being up at 4 am for a business trip. (HAH! Listen to me, BUSINESS TRIP. Yay?) And even now, iTunes is being a pain in the behind.

The good part of being shuttling around Texas via Southwest Airlines, is that I’ve started a new story – which is cool since I submitted a story last week (which, BTW, as a follow up – the rule breaking didn’t blow up in my face, YAY, but still don’t try it at home).

Now to keep up the momentum. And to get back to normal – or at least as normal as I get.

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Posted by reudaly on May 11, 2016 in Writing with Comments closed |

In writing terms, I just did something that breaks a WHOLE FREAKIN’ bunch of “professional” writing rules. Not actually going to say WHAT just now, going to wait to see how it turns out first.

BUT… if you’re going to break rules. Keep these in mind:

1. Know your “audience”. Make sure whoever you’re breaking rules for is someone you have a good working relationship with.

2. ONLY do this if there’s no other option.

3. Be prepared for it all blow up in your face. And take your lumps/consequences like a Grown Up.

4. Don’t be a jerk about it.

I know I’ve followed the first three. Hoping like heck I did the last one, too.

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[Pen/Pencil Post] Hiatus – And A Question?

Posted by reudaly on May 2, 2016 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

It’s time to finally go remember my grandmother. Her memorial service is Saturday. So this Monday and Next Monday I will be on hiatus.

Until then… I want to know what YOUR favorite pen, pencil, or marker is.

Tell me what you love and why.

If I haven’t reviewed it yet or it’s been a really old review, maybe I’ll give it a shot (if it’s not excessively expensive).

I’m always looking for a few good pens. 😎

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[Writer Blog] One Foot in Front of the Other

Posted by reudaly on April 27, 2016 in Life, Writing with Comments closed |

It’s already Wednesday. Wow. The last few days have been both the longest and the biggest blurs. Most of you already know why. I just started a short story at the request of my friend, Robyn. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve just begun so it’s not gone difficult…yet. Hopefully I can make it what she wants and needs it to be.

And now, I have no idea where to go from here. We’re still in a bit of one foot in front of the other. Waiting for other people to make decisions. Work’s been crazy busy, as always, but they’ve been really understanding and generous. It’s just been so weird.

Because of personal drama and the fact I really have no dog in the hunt, I have no opinion on the Hugo nominations and no heart for the drama. I’m dealing with enough of that in real life. I wish everyone involved a peaceful resolution.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot G2 Fashion Collection

Posted by reudaly on April 26, 2016 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This has been an emotional week so this is kind of thrown together. It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Pilot pens and ink. The G2 has been go to ink. So when I discovered Target has an “exclusive” set of G2s (the Fashion Collection), I had to go ahead and pick them up, even though I don’t NEED a new set. Then I realized I had never actually done a full review of the G2s – just bits from other reviews.
The “normal” G2 has a clear casing with the retractable mechanism and the grip matching the color of the ink. It runs just short of 5.75″. The rubber grip is pretty comfortable for an inexpensive, every day pen. One of the things I like about it is the clear barrel that allows you to see how much ink you have left. These have a matching ribbon along the clear part of the barrel, but the ink is still visible. This collection comes in blue, black, red, purple, teal, and silver.
The ink is still awesome, the roller is smooth for a 0.7mm. These pens have good ink reservoirs with rich tints to the ink. The conical tips are smooth and lay down a solid line. The feel is good. The ink does seem to dry quickly – except in my moleskine calendar which has really slick pages. EVERYTHING smears on that. The silver pen looks great on dark paper but is still visible on plain paper.
To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 The ink is strong and comes in decent point sizes. The retraction mechanism is solid.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s fairly basic retractable pen with a decent drip that hasn’t changed much over time, but it still gives a comfortable feel for long-term use.
3. Material1 – It’s rubberized and translucent plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – These are a standard. They’ve not changed much over time, which is good. It’s never been broken, so there’s nothing really to fix. The pen is colorful, comfortable, and solid.
5. Price Point0.5 – These run just under $2 a pop which is about on par. They should be refillable, but I’m not seeing refills for these yet. If they do end up having the refills, then they will be a solid pen for everyday use.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.5

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[Pen/Pencil Blog] Can’t Do This Today

Posted by reudaly on April 25, 2016 in Life with Comments closed |

There’s been a significant amount of loss in the last week. We lost a good friend and fandom family – Ed Dravecky – over the weekend. And though he and Robyn would want to see a pen blog today, that’s goign to have to wait until tomorrow. But until then…

I wrote a story that went to 4 Star Stories several years agocalled “Knock Down Drag Out. I wrote Ed into this silly, goofy piece. I hope you like it – I did convert it to EPUB, if you don’t want to read the link – and it’s available in download.

Comment or email me and I’ll send it to you because I’m having website issues, and I’m about to take a bat to this thing.

If I get an answer through the Internet Hive Mind, I’ll amend this.

Knock Down – Rhonda Eudaly

[Writer Post] Stories and Stuff

Posted by reudaly on April 20, 2016 in Books, Life, Writing with Comments closed |

So there’s not a whole lot to say right now.

I managed to get a story submitted to an anthology that I committed to submitting to. I’ve had to tell another anthology that I won’t get a story to them – after they turned down one story – because I won’t get a new humor piece written before the reading period ends.

That’s something at least. I’ve been doing writing on novels and researching another project – so it’s not actually as lame as it sounds. I’ve been doing stuff. Just not as visible as I would like.
Realized I need to do more promotion on the ebooks – especially my independent ones – that lack of royalty statement was kind of sad. So if you don’t have the chapbooks – consider them. If you’ve read them, would you consider reviewing them so other people can find them and buy them?
Then, as many of you know from Facebook, my grandma passed away earlier this week. We still don’t know when the memorial service is going to be, so there’s lots of stuff up in the air. She was 92 and has had a long life – and some health issues. This was inevitable. Death usually is. Thanks to all who’ve sent thoughts and prayers. They’re very much appreciated.

And now to bed. I have to be at work at 6 am-ish for a workshop. Whee!

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Paper Mate InkJoy Gel – Fashion Colors

Posted by reudaly on April 18, 2016 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Today’s blog post is a revisit that isn’t a revisit. Today we meet the Paper Mate InkJoy GEL pen. These are retractable pens with something that makes me happy – “medium” points in 0.7mm and “fine” points in 0.5mm AS IT SHOULD BE! Which made me say, “Okay, let’s do this.”
The ink is really good. I do give Paper Mate that. I bought the fashion colors for the first go round. I picked these up at Target on an end cap. I went for the 0.7mm because there were colors – the 0.5mm were only available in black at that particular store. The colors are purple, pink, and light green – in the three-pack I bought. There are more colors – these also come in 8 packs and 14 packs – so ALL the colors. My next shopping trip will be for the 0.5mm.
The Paper Mate InkJoy gel pens are 5.75″ long retracted and extended. The barrels are slightly thicker than your typical retractable stick pen. The barrel is smooth and is mostly rubberized plastic for a comfort grip. There’s a clear-ish hard plastic front panel that lets you see the level of ink in the refill that also includes the clip – which could snap if you mess with it long enough. The tip is conical and metal, and so is the plunger on the retraction mechanism. The tip screws off to refill the ink and sets smoothly to avoid any ridges.
The deal with the InkJoy gel pens is supposed to be really smooth and quick drying – compared to Pilot G2 (which is a lofty goal – G2 is pretty much THE standard). So do they measure up? Actually yes, they do. These pens have good ink reservoirs with rich tints to the ink. The conical tips are smooth and lay down a solid line. The feel is good. The ink does seem to dry quickly – except in my moleskine calendar which has really slick pages. EVERYTHING smears on that. Any residual smearing is only really visible every in the purple.
Finally an InkJoy that DOES bring me joy. Can’t wait to try the 0.5mm. They’re comparable to other gel pens – running between $5-$6 for the 3-packs – depending on where you get them and if they’re on sale. These are available at most common retailers. I’ll be getting some more of these.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 The ink is decent, and comes in decent point sizes. The retraction mechanism is solid
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s fairly basic retractable pen, but long like a stick pen. The rubberized plastic goes all the way around and up the back of the pen to give a comfortable fePencil 4.5el for long-term use.
3. Material1 – It’s rubberized and translucent plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s an InkJoy that I can get behind. The pen is colorful, comfortable, and solid.
5. Price Point0.5 – These run close to $2 a pop which is about on par but seems a touch high. They should be refillable, but I’m not seeing refills for these yet. If they do end up having the refills, then they will be a solid pen for everyday use.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Writer Post] Focus… I Needz It

Posted by reudaly on April 13, 2016 in Writing with Comments closed |

Welcome Wednesday, it’s a blog day and I’m staring at a relatively blank screen. The good news is that I’ve been featured in Lawrence Schoen’s Eating Authors this week. That’s very cool.

A story I thought I wrote really isn’t a story – and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Debating on whether or not it’s going to be done in time for a deadline, or if I’m going to be submitting something else. There’s also a market that didn’t take one story but wants me to submit something else – something funny – by the end of the month.

So, of course, the brain had come to part of a screeching halt on the creative front. So time to mess with a couple of other bits and pieces of stories to see if I can jog something loose. Because this is the year of forward progress – and I need to build on it.

I have a break from shows and events until June. This is the time to focus on the words on paper and getting more things under the belt. So many things on the “To Be Written” list that I have to figure out what to focus on and…well, you know, FOCUS ON IT.

Probably should stop talking about that and just go do it, huh? Y’all play nice now. Be back later.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot FriXion – Can’t Totally Quit You

Posted by reudaly on April 11, 2016 in Review, Writing with Comments closed |

I have a guest blog out today that talks about how I grew up with one food rule – you have to at least TRY a food before you decide you don’t like it. Since I’ve embraced that, I’ve also tried to revisit foods I didn’t like as a kid and seeing if my tastes change. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t – like okra, I’ve tried to like okra but I just can’t. I have a few pens like this. The Pilot FriXion is one of them.
I tried them when they first came out – and wrote the review before ratings. Later, I picked up a three-pack of FriXion Retractable Clickers in 0.7mm points and did a modern review. Now I have one of the Color-Pencil-Like Erasable Gel Pens, in black, from JetPens.
The barrel about 5.9″ long capped and 6.5″ with the cap posted, which is standard for a stick pen. The plastic barrel has no ergonomics – it’s a standard hexagonal barrel with a ribbed grip. The cap is clear plastic with no clip. The ink is decently dark. The roller ball is smooth. And it does erase pretty cleanly (very cleanly if you put some frustration into it.) I can’t fault the ink. The hard “eraser” is in the clear cap, which means you can’t set the cap aside or lose it.
Jetpens mentions sure the temperature warnings, but since there’s no packaging you have to know not to expose the ink to <14 degrees or >140 degrees. The issue I’ve had – and will always have with this pen is that if you leave a pen or notebook in your car during the summer (accidentally or on purpose) the ink be colorless (invisible). The packaging says you can put a pen in a freezer that’s colder than 14 degrees to get the ink color back. I’m told this works with notebooks as well…but I still find that off putting.

I can understand why these are popular, but unfortunately, this is one of the few “okra” pens. They’re okay, but with the stability issue, these will never be a “go to” pen for me.

The numbers:

1. How does it work?0.5 – It works. The ink flows well. The pen is an okay length. The ink is dark. The friction based eraser does its job well. The ink is unstable in temperature extremes.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s got traction, not a “grip”. They try. And it’s a straight barrel. The nod to ergonomics is just a nod.
3. Material1 – It’s a solidly made plastic stick pen
4. Overall Design0.5 – This is a solid stick pen. Do NOT lose the cap, or you lose the eraser. Lots of colors and options. I still want to see a more stable ink. The temperature issues really scare me. And they never say HOW LONG to leave the ink in the freezer below the recommended temperature range to get the color back.
5. Price Point0.5 – You’ll pay for the convenience of erasable. These pens run between $2.25 – $3.00 a piece for the “non-business” style – just the general pen. That’s not horribly over-priced, but it’s not good either.

That’s 3.0 of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 3.0

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