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[Write the Story] An Object Found in the Trash

Posted by reudaly on January 1, 2021 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: An Object Found in the Trash

Words: cobbler, umber, haunt, grumble, raincoat, unleavened, bravery, ray, toffee, imaginary


Trash Day. I hated trash day, but I was only the apprentice I got the crap jobs including taking out the garbage. No sense in grumbling, I thought as I tightened the belt of my raincoat.

“You know, you’re looking at this chore all wrong.”

“It’s garbage. How could I look at this better?” I don’t know why I kept having these conversations. I still hadn’t figured out if my new ‘friend’ was imaginary, or if I had a haunt.

“You are a baker’s apprentice. You have the ability to be a ray of hope to those out there struggling to eat.”

Okay, my ghost friend – Mabry – had my attention. “Go on.”

“Think about it. There’s nothing really wrong with that loaf of bread didn’t rise like it was supposed to and the cobbler came out burnt umber instead of raw…”

“Unleavened bread and slightly overdone dessert. A lot of people would find that a blessing.”

Mabry had a point, but my boss was a stickler for perfection and never giving anything away for free.

“It’s a small act of bravery. Sort of the pieces that can be eaten. Be better than others.”

So, I listened to Mabry and started leaving out the edible but imperfect food on trash run days. The food always disappeared, and one day I found a flower and a note on the trash can. All it said was “bless you.”

Word Count: 235

Written: 12/30/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] The End of 2020 Post

Posted by reudaly on December 29, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Happy Holidays. We’re right smack in the middle of kicking 2020 to the curb. Jimmy and I are settling in for some quiet New Years Celebrations. COVID vaccines are slowly rolling out, so there may be an end to this pandemic nightmare soon-ish. Some big house-related decisions we made this summer/early Fall are coming to fruition soon that are exciting to US. It feels very grown up and real. BUT… there’s also a lot of fun pen stuff! Writing has been happening. Maybe there will be some light soon.
A sampler of black pens of different brands.
Pencil boxes full of pens and pencils
I did manage to finish one project I was working on off and on throughout the pandemic. It was my “pandemic project” (sort of). I went though my horde of pens and pencils, tested them for what worked and what didn’t. Got rid of a bunch that didn’t. Sorted the rest into pencil boxes by type. There are quite a number of those:

• Wooden pencil
• Mechanical pencil
• Ballpoint pen
• Rollerball/Gel pen (sorting those down would’ve been a pain)
• Fiber point pen
• Fountain pen
• Multifunction
• Highlighter
• Refills – separated into pencil, ballpoint/gel ink, fountain pen ink

The next phase will be to add the new hauls, starting going through them to see what’s been reviewed, what hasn’t, and how to keep the blog going. It’s going to be a neater/tidier horde than it used to be, which is a good thing.
Pencil boxes full of pens and pencils
So this Christmas I also learned that I need to update some of my pen wish lists. Though I did mention a gift to Jimmy that he got me that was super fun – one of the pen stores I get ads for on Facebook – because Facebook finally stopped targeting me with diet and undergarment ads and has hit on coffee and stationary – did a Mystery Box promotion with the hook that at least one box would have a Mont Blanc (which is a thing I’ve always wanted even though I know there are even better high brow pens out there now). I didn’t get one of those, but I did get a NICE box – a lovely Cross ballpoint, a Shaeffer fountain pen, CUFF LINKS. If you know someone who uses cuff links – DM me. I would love to give them a good home. There are fountain pens and rollerballs and pencils galore.
Mystery box with Cross, notepad, etc.
Zebra disposable fountain pen set seven colors
We’re about to have some fun – and s

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[Write the Story] The New Chef’s First Day on the Job

Posted by reudaly on December 18, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The New Chef’s First Day on the Job

Words: sultan, pause, scatter, khaki, sip, undress, waver, marmalade, snare, ring


“…A sultan sat on his oriental mat in his harem in down downtown Persia…” Vera paused to sip her coffee.

“Do you have to sing the Perfect Cup of Coffee song every single time?”

“Only on days that in ‘y’.” Vera drained her cup. “I gotta go. I don’t want to be late. It’s my first day.”

“How can you be late? You’re sitting in your new kitchen.” Wyatt’s gesture scattered marmalade on the pristine counter.For a second

“But I am not prepared to meet the crew.” Vera gestured down at her relative state of undress in a t-shirt and lounge pants. She headed out, pausing to snare a towel and throw it at Wyatt’s head. “And clean up the jam before I get back.”

In less than a half an hour, Vera stood outside her kitchen again in crisp khakis and a pristine chef’s jacket. For a second, her resolve wavered, but she snapped out of it and pushed through the door.

“Good morning, staff!”

“Good morning, Chef!”

Chef had a great ring to it. She’d come a long way to this point. But now it was time to pull out a holiday miracle.

“Okay, we have only a short window for prep, but we can do it. Santa’s counting on us. We need everyone on cookie and candy cane prep. I want two on sugar garnish. And we need the hot chocolate never ending. GO.”

Word Count: 239

Written: 12/17/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Vintage and Exciting

Posted by reudaly on December 16, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I’ve been a bit lax in the pen blog this holiday season. I know it. It’s been that year. I’ve sorted my pen hoard, and about to start the next phase of that project (as I figure that out). In the process, and beyond, some lovely vintage pieces came across my desk. Some are from I think a batch of pencils Jimmy bought and gave me the ones he didn’t need for his collection. The second batch came from my mother in law who’s cleaning out some things.
A large group of vintage ballpoint pens, fountain pens, and mechanical pencils
his is a collection of older fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and mechanical pencils. There are some great looking pieces to look into. There is one older Parker that I have working again – because refills. There is more work to figure out the refills for the ballpoints. I’m sure I can find something that will work to make them work. There’s a multi-function colored pencil mechanical pencil that I have NEVER seen before and totally want to make work.
Scripto mechanical pencil in package -- vintage
This pencil – The Scripto 0.7mm mechanical pencil with a lead cassette – still in its original packaging with the price tag – was part of the group from Jimmy’s grouping. There are other pencils, but this one is something I remember from my childhood. But the best part is that it’s still in the original packaging with the pricing still on it. I doubt it’s worth anything more than what the packaging says, but I’m going to leave it as it is. Because it is what it is. Something I would’ve bought in school.
Esterbrook desk pen and nibs in individual boxes.
But this is the thing that excites me most. This a classic Esterbrook fountain desk pen. Esterbrook is a brand I’ve been wanting to try, but tends to run beyond my price range. This Esterbrook looks like it’s still in the original box with the original instructions and packaging. The pen is a black grip with a clear acrylic handle. It doesn’t have a nib in the handle. The nibs are in separate boxes, and I have two original nibs in the original boxes. What I don’t have (and we might find one somewhere) is the desk base.

148.jpg” alt=”Esterbrook desk pen” width=”300″ height=”148″ class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-7996″ />

I love this so much. I may never use this. Some of these pens I may actually take to the next Dallas Pen Show – when we get to do things like that in the future. These are the ones I want to get evaluated for price. Ebay seems to think the Esterbrook may be worth $50 to $150, which is fine, but there is no way I am parting with it or most of this group. There is sentimental value for most of these members of the hoard.

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[Write the Story] A Hostage Situation

Posted by reudaly on December 11, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Hostage Situation

Words: Hawaiian, growl, kazoo, pledge, licorice, karate, lapel, plug, terracotta, trickle


“OMG. Kill me now.”

“Alice! How could you! Those guys have weapons!”

“Oh, come on.” Alice’s voice a growl. “If they were taking robbery seriously they’d’ve picked someplace other than a Hawaiian Ice franchise. What are they getting? A hundred bucks, two kids fresh out of karate class and us.”

“Well, we have to do something!” Sophia said, tugging at Alice’s lapel. “We can’t just wait for one of them to plug us.”

“You’ve seen too many movies, Soph. But I have an idea. I’m going to need some licorice, a kazoo, and a terracotta flowerpot. Go! Go!”

Sophia slithered off to find the ridiculous list of items I asked for. Hopefully no one would notice her. Or if they did, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…

“Here you go.” Sophia was back in record time. She had everything. “Now what’re you going to do with all this stuff?”

“Well, first, a snack.” I grabbed the licorice. “Now you play the kazoo, and I’ll bash one of them on the head with the pot.”

“Really? That’s it? No making a flame thrower out of a can of Pledge?” Sophia snorted. “McGuyver.”

“I was an A-Team fan and the aerosol can was empty. No come on. Show time.”

Word Count: 207

Written: 12/10/2020

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[Write the Story] Cleaning the Attic Brings Back Memories

Posted by reudaly on December 4, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: Cleaning the Attic Brings Back Memories

Words: extravaganza, watershed, cajole, zealous, factor, teal, loosen, whistle, ogle, lemonade


“I can’t believe I let you cajole me into this.”

“I can’t believe you caved so quickly.” Marie handed Rick a glass of lemonade. “Come on, the sooner we get moving on the attic extravaganza the sooner we’re done.”

The two tackled the boxes and bags of history, but zealous motivation leveled down by factors of ten when they worked through only a couple of boxes in an hour.

“Wow. I bet you had a ton of girl ogle you in this,” Marie said holding up a teal tuxedo jacket.

Rick let out a whistle. “That’s not mine. It was…Dad wore that on the most watershed day of his life.”

“This is his wedding suit?”

“Prom.” Rick struggled with a trunk. “Here, help me loosen the lid on this.”

“Prom was more important than his wedding?” Marie grunted as the lid popped open.

“Um, yeah. You know what happens for a lot of kids at prom.” Rick rummaged under some material. “Oh, right, that.” He closed the lid.

“What? Prom memories?”

“Prom date. Perfectly preserved. I guess this one stays. Let’s see what else we find.”

Word Count: 176

Written: 12/3/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Been a Bit Sparse

Posted by reudaly on December 1, 2020 in Life with Comments closed |

I realize the pen blog has been a bit sparse lately. It’s not for lack of material. It’s been a weird time with the pandemic and such — as it is for all of us. It’s been tough to get the groove going on the reviews. So… what I’ve been doing is taking my giant bin o pens and pencils and have been sorting them by type and test driving them to see if they work. The ones that don’t are ditched.

I have them in pencil boxes by type and then I’ll start the whole categorizing of things – finding out what’s been reviewed and what hasn’t. I started the spreadsheet a couple of years ago and never did anything with it. And I can maybe even break down the boxes to color, so if I want to ink themes for a holiday season or month or whatever, they’ll be easier to find and use.

This is my pandemic project. I’m almost done with the function tests. Then we’ll see where we go from there. It’s a ridiculous project, but hey what else are pandemics for?

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[Write the Story] Right Under Their Noses

Posted by reudaly on November 27, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: Right Under Their Noses

Words: catamaran, kaleidoscope, barter, sandcastle, divide, organ, formula, binocular, lecture, ivory


“You don’t think we look too suspicious?” Patricia added another bucket of sand on the sandcastle.

“Not if you don’t keep asking questions like that.” Harry didn’t put down his binoculars. “Especially with that bikini. No one’s paying attention to me.”

Patricia tossed sand at him. “What’s going on out there?”

“The Ivory Kaleidoscope is sitting still. Party is in full swing. We should be good to go in about an hour.”

Patricia let the rest of Harry’s lecture wash over her. She knew the plan better than he did. She should. It was her plan to begin with, but it made him feel better. The party catamaran was a plumb mark. They’d take it quick and clean, and it would move their little team across the divide into the Big Leagues. Now, all they had to do was follow the formula.

“Here we go. Its starting to take effect.” Harry dropped the binoculars. “Let’s go.”

Less thana half hour later, they pulled themselves on to the boat’s deck. Young, rich partiers lay scattered about, unconscious. They made their way to the bridge. The crew was also slumped over instruments. They knocked still forms off controls and started the engines. Before their pretty woke up they’d be in the port. No one had brought this kind of organ haul in ever. They’d have plenty to barter with now.

Word Count: 228

Written: 11/27/2020

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[Write the Story] Tea Time in and English Inn

Posted by reudaly on November 20, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: Tea Time in an English Inn

Words: vampire, tiara, badlands, brag, empty, mauve, winged, trillion, axis, cone


“Oh. My. Goodness. Civilization.” Betty pushed through the doors of The Winged Rose Inn and headed straight to the desk clerk. “Do you have a room with a bath?”

“Of course, madam. How long will you be with us?”

Betty sniffed the air. “I smell…Assam and Gunfire?”

“Tea is served in ten minutes.” Betty hurried through registration, dumped her bag in her room—pausing only long enough to wash her face, change into a mauve blouse. The tiara would wait until supper. Betty paused in the doorway to the tearoom and drank in the aromas. A trillion memories washed through her in an instant before she was escorted to an empty table on the room’s short axis. She felt all eyes on her as she took her seat and ordered tea and a cone of chips.

“May I join you?”

Betty looked farther up than expected to see the gaunt young man hovering over the table. “Honey, I am old enough to be your mother but suit yourself.” He folded himself in to the chair across from her. “I’d offer you tea, but the pot is empty.”

“I’m not thirsty for tea.” He showed his fangs.

Betty rolled her eyes. “Vampire. Great. Look, I just spent two weeks in the Badlands and lived to tell it. Not a brag. Truth. You don’t scare me.”

“I didn’t mean to scare. I want to make a deal. For some of your blood. You have no idea what you are.”

“We’re going to need more tea.”

Word Count: 253

Written: 11/20/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Fall Graphite Pencil + Paper Subscription Box

Posted by reudaly on November 17, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

The Fall 2020 Graphite Pencil + Paper Subscription box unboxing video.

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