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[Pen/Pencil Review] Zebra Sarasa Mark On – 0.4mm Red Ink

Posted by reudaly on July 9, 2018 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This week’s pen review is a basic, workhorse type pen with some fun little details. It’s the Zebra Sarasa Mark On Gell Pen – in a 0.4mm point and red gel ink – because they’re good like that. I picked this one up on a JetPens in a impulse shopping order.

The Sarasa Study has a nice, red gel ink. This one comes in the 0.5mm as well as the 0.4mm point with a metal, cone tip. The plunger is red translucent plastic with a clear barrel with a red and white grid pattern overlay with a logo and something in Japanese on the barrel. The barrel threading is on the inside, making the barrel smooth and ridgeless for extra comfort. The rubberized grip is a nearly see through red so you can kinda see the ink inside. The logo Mark On has a light green overlay to indicate highlighting.

This pen is about 5.5″ long retracted and about 5.75″ long with the tip extended. This is a typical length for a retractable pen, and it’s well balanced and has a decent diameter.

One of the fun details on this pen is its ink claim. The red is nice and the point doesn’t skip, but this is touted as having a specially formulated gel ink that has a greater water resistance and is resistant to smearing when you highlight over it. There’s a caveat on this – if you’re an aggressive highlighting person – like you scrub the highlighter over a written passage more than once, it will still smear a little bit.

The clip is the other fun detail. They call it a “binder clip”. It’s a spring-loaded, hard plastic clip matching the ink color. It is break-resistant and strong. It does secure well to a wide range of materials. This pen is refillable and economical for a good quality workhorse pen.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – This is a solid, utility pen. It’s inexpensive. It comes in the three primary colors and has a good solid line with smooth ink. The “claim to fame” is to keep highlighting from smearing. This isn’t as important as it once was, but it works if you’re not overly aggressive which is something really cool.
2. Look and feel1 – It’s average length with a good diameter. The grip is comfortable. The line is thin but strong. The binder clip is one of my favorite things.
3. Material1 – It’s a mostly plastic utility pen. It is what it is, and it’s solid for what it is. The clip is metal and plastic and strong.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s okay. It’s functional. It’s an average length retractable pen with some fun details. And if you’re not aggressive with a highlighter, it totally doesn’t smear handwritten notes.
5. Price Point0.5 – These things are relatively inexpensive – though have to be ordered through JetPens. They’re about $2.95 for the pen. The two-packs of refills run $1.45. So you can pretty much use these for the long term. Not sure if the refills have the productivity markings. The ink runs in blue, black and red.

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[Write the Story] A Coastal Town in New England is Full of Crazy Characters

Posted by reudaly on July 6, 2018 in Life with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Coastal Town in New England is Full of Crazy Characters

Words: lobsterman, bicycle, light bulb, yoga, fireworks, infantile, weave, leopard, balding, sunset


“Couldn’t we have just gone to Cabot Cove?” Liz asked as they headed down the boardwalk toward the beach. “All we’d have to deal with there is a serial-killing mystery writer.”

Jeff spread his arms wide. “What’s not to love about Wauconda? It’s the closest thing we’ll get to Wakanda on the East Coast. Besides it’s a superhero-themed town, and I want to meet Lobsterman. He’s Aquaman’s third cousin, you know.”

Jeff led Liz down the boardwalk. They had to weave past a beach yoga class led by a leopard. A balding, spandex-attired man flew by on a winged bicycle on the way toward the beach. Signs for a sunset fireworks show beckoned them on.

“What infantile thing do you have in mind?” Liz asked.

“What makes you think I have something in mind?”

“You just had that light bulb look.”

Jeff grinned. Definitely up to something. “I just saw a place over there called Lab Accident. I have to go. Maybe we’ll get powers.”

“And maybe it’s just a bar run by Jarvis and Igor.”

“Sidekick heaven! Now we have to go!”

Liz let herself be pulled along. Maybe they’d have a chance to fly.

Word Count: 196

Written: 5/2/18

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[Pen/Pencil Review] I Found a New Store…

Posted by reudaly on July 2, 2018 in Life |

In continuing with a theme of “Rhonda is a pen addict”, I have too many pens but keep acquiring more – compounded with “Squirrel Brain” to some degree – it’s hard to focus when it’s 100+ degrees and you have intermittent houseguests. We love having houseguests but it does play a little havoc with trains of thought. The ability to be distracted by such things as your friend, Rosemary Clement, cluing you into an Japanese book and stationary store not that far from where you live…that when you get there find ANOTHER Japanese “general store” ALSO with stationary in the same parking lot…is quite high. That happened this weekend.

There’s a Kinokuniya store in Carrollton in the same shopping center as a Daiso. $20-ish at each store and a handful of pens later… I can’t figure out which one to start with to review. I’m already kinda in love—maybe giddy? But I have rollerballs, gel pens, multi-pens, novelties (most of the novelties are gifts for other people), an eraser and a small stationary pack. The largest point size in the gel/rollerballs is a 0.5mm while the ball points are lovely 0.7mm needle points.

There’s a dog themed mini stationary set from Zebra Sarasa. There’s cats and bears from some company in Japan. And one stick rollerball that simply says “Stationary” on the clip. They all perform admirably so far. But considering how many I still have to review from other purchases (and a small order from Jet Pens that I JUST put in) that I’m now overwhelmed by how many NEW pens I need to review – much less the giant stash that I haven’t even begun to go through.

The future of this blog is really, really bright – almost literally – oh, yeah, I also bought colored notebook paper in a previous shopping trip. Neon college ruled and variegated pastels. Along with some neon Pentel stick pens that almost need sunglasses.

SO MUCH TO DO. SO MUCH. There’s the overwhelming part. And Kinokuyniya? Which also has wondrously kitchy and anime-related merchandise AS WELL AS BOOKS AND STATIONARY? I may have almost cried in that store. It’s probably good that it’s a 30-minute drive on a toll road or I might just live in it and that would be awkward.

So enjoy some photos of the current stash of merchandise. I promise I’ll be back on track next week. For those in the States, Happy July 4th this week. Be safe wherever you are, and be careful with fireworks if they’re legal where you are.

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[Write the Story] A Ghost Story

Posted by reudaly on June 29, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Ghost Story

Words: tango, diversify, blog, invisible, missile, glitter, scuff, balloon, bird cage, grizzly bear

“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.”

Mary shot David a quick glance from the bird cage she was cleaning. “What’s wrong now?”

“Have you seen this blog?”

“Which one?” Mary scrubbed the cage. “How did the bird get into glitter?”

“Jamie’s birthday balloon. She popped it. I’m reading this post about Grizzly Bear.”

“The animal or something else?”

“I don’t know if I should say. I feel like we’re being watched.” David rubbed the scruff of his neck.

Mary rolled her eyes behind his back, but she did see the hair standing on end. “What is it this time? Invisible missiles coming to destroy us all?”

David sniffed. “Scoff if you want, but those are real, you’ll see. No, a scientist in Denmark has accurately and definitively proven spiritual residue after death.”

“Seriously? Ghosts? Way to diversify your paranoia.”

“Oh, I don’t know. This guy makes a really good case – with communications techniques, recordings, and studies.”

“You believe that?”

“I’m talking to you, aren’t I? You died the same day Jamie broke that balloon.”

Word Count: 171

Written: 4/18/18

Note: I misread “scuff” as “scoff” so I missed a word. Thought about doing an edit to fix that – but that’s not the spirit of these exercises.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] SoonerCon Pen Acquisitions – VIDEO REVIEW

Posted by reudaly on June 25, 2018 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This weekend was SoonerCon, which is one of my most favorite conventions of all time. It’s run by great people who go out of their way to make sure it’s a well-rounded and fantastic event. They never disappoint. This is going to be unusual because it’s going to be mostly a VIDEO review. That’s right… VIDEO (if I figure out all the technical parts). Why?

Howard Wilson III brought me a gift from another event he went to. It’s a FIDGET SPINNER pen. You can’t just write that up. But some details I didn’t get to… It’s 5.5″ long and a bit top heavy but the barrel is wave patterned for a fairly comfortable grip.

Lillian Butler found amazing (and disturbing) TENTACLE pens. She sold them for $5. They came in four colors. They’re very soft and pliable with a wide grip and an astonishing 8.5″ long. But it’s also very flexible.

They both write remarkably well for their…unusual configurations. But… you have to see to believe. Let’s go to the video:

The numbers:
1. How does it work?1 – They are solid writing instruments as far as ink flow goes. They should be harder to write with but aren’t
2. Grip and feel1 – The grip on the fidget spinner is somewhat ergonomic, but the spinner part is heavy. The tentacles are wide but light. Not tiring and infinitely amusing.
3. Material1 – Plastic novelties. The spinner is kind of heavy with metal bits. The soft tentacles are what they are.
4. Overall Design1 – They make me giggle, and they write with decent ink and lines. You judge from the video.
5. Price Point0.5 – The tentacles were $5 each (worth it to me) and the fidget spinner (which is probably not a CHEAP gimme) was a gift. If you can find them… get them.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write the Story] A Midlife Career Change

Posted by reudaly on June 21, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Midlife Career Change

Words: chef, upgrade, monkey, turkey, fashion, team, harden, noon, elevator, baste


“You’re giving all this up?” Handel gestured around the busy kitchen. The team bustled to baste turkey and create the delicious dishes for the upcoming holidays.

“I am, but I know you’re an upgrade for this place.” No lie. Handel was twice the chef I was. He should’ve always had my job. I saw him about to protest. I stopped that real quick. “Don’t even. We both now it’s true. And don’t monkey with a good thing. You earned this.”

“When do you leave?”

“High Noon, baby. Then I head out West into the sunset and the high fashion of cowboys everywhere.”

“You’re really going out to the middle of nowhere to be a COWBOY?”

RANCHER.” I corrected him automatically. “I’ve done enough on this end of food. Now, I want to see where it comes from. Had enough of the chicken. Now it’s time for the egg portion. Fresh air, cooking only when I feel like it. Heaven.”

But as the clock ticked up to Midday. I had to harden my resolve. Especially when the crew started bringing out the goodbye goodies. I knew I was leaving this crew in good hands and my new adventure awaited. But as the elevator doors opened for me one last time, the goodbye/good luck banner nearly made me cry. But was time to start again. New adventures await.

Word Count: 226

Written: 4/17/18

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[Pen/Pencil Review] A Slight Confession of a Lost Cause

Posted by reudaly on June 18, 2018 in Life, Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

When I tell people that I do a pen review blog, the comments range from “That’s so COOL!” to “You talk about what? How often? Really?” The “why?” is implied. But I admit I have a borderline unhealthy love of office supplies and stationary. Heck, I’ve written more than one blog post and interview article about it. I’d say it’s the worst kept secret EVER, except it’s not a secret.
And (depending on your Point of View) the awesome part? Family and friends encourage me on this.

But, Rhonda, why are you telling us this instead of reviewing something? Because I want to show you some of the depths of this fascination. And why I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near office supplies starting, well, now and going through Labor Day. It’s called “Back to School” time. If you hear me humming The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, it has nothing to do with Christmas…

This is just the most recent, “I don’t NEED this but…” haul from a now difficult to find Office Max in Tyler (I should never be allowed in the Tyler Office Max). And I think a couple of other shopping trips that almost trip me up — and why there needs to be a spread sheet that I haven’t been AT ALL good at keeping updated (heck, it’s barely started). And why this blog will (probably) NEVER be without material. I think I still have stuff from Christmases Past that I haven’t reviewed. I think I have pens in my horde (who are we kidding, it’s not a collection).

And it’s not just
So fear not, captive audience, this part of the blog is in no danger of going away. Not as long as I can “justify” my love of all things ink, graphite and paper by writing more books and stories (that’s MY story and I’m sticking to it) and introducing you to something new…there will be a pen blog. Just sometimes without the review part.

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[Write the Story] The Main Character Thinks He or She is About to Get Fired

Posted by reudaly on June 15, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The Main Character Thinks He or She is About to Get Fired

Words: magazine, blow dryer, congeal, bluebell, cummerbund, wheelie bag, pastels, binding, science


I knew something was up. I watched others go through the process. I figured my turn in the Wheelie Bag of Destiny was coming up. I mean, I know I don’t look like those models in a magazine, but I was no congealed cheeseburger either. I patiently wait my turn, enduring the bluebell cummerbund and all the pastels swirling my frame. I could do this. I was ready for the next step. I was. I just didn’t know if the Powers That Be felt the same way.

Those Powers had the, well, power to shatter my dreams. I know there’s a science – or maybe it is an art after all – to how they choose who stays and who goes. Maybe I didn’t have the binding qualifiers. Maybe I had some kind of flow. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

Then I felt the brush of heat, like a blow dryer on full blast. The heat rose as I felt myself sliding forward.

It was happening.

I was headed for my future as a glazed ceramic mug. No more dull lump of clay for me! Soon a shiny new future as a useful object with a purpose would be mine. Soon I’d bring warmth and joy to someone.

And all it would take was being fired.

Word Count: 212

Written: 4/23 & 25/ 18

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot V5 RT – Fashion Color 3-Pack

Posted by reudaly on June 11, 2018 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I try to give equal time to pens. This is another Pilot Precise V5 RT (retractable) This is the Deco Collection in assorted colors . I don’t remember spending a whole lot for them, so don’t judge the MSRP too harshly.

This pen has a solid feeling point for the heavy-handed writers. This is a 0.5mm – hence the V5 – but it’s still a decent point. I’ve come around on the needle point fear. They’ve been a lot sturdier than I ever remember them being in the past. I bought the four pack – red, blue, green, and black. Some packages come with a purple as well.

The pen is about 5.5″ long and has a decent retraction mechanism. It’s light but well-balanced. The ink is richly pigmented and flows well from the tip. The lines are smooth and the ink dries quickly on paper with minimal smearing. The barrel has “art deco” patterning that matches and corresponds to the ink color and a matching rubber grip with a nod to ergonomics.

This is a good workhorse pen that has a price point, so if it’s stolen off a desk, it’s no big loss. It’s refillable so you can use them a good long time.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – This is a solid working pen. The ink is well-pigmented. The point is relatively solid for a needle point.
2. Look and feel1 – It’s a basic retractable pen. There’s a nod to ergonomics. The clip is metal, so that’s solid.
3. Material1 – It’s recycled plastic with a metal clip. It is what it is. The decorations are cute, though.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s functional. It’s an average length stick pen with a decent point and ink. It’s refillable and eco-friendly
5. Price Point0.5 – This pen is refillable. The five packs on line are a bit pricy to look at. I don’t remember what I paid for the four-pack, but I had to have gotten them on sale. Perhaps if you refill them, that helps keep the cots down.

4.5 out of 5 bronze pencils.

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[Write the Story] A Wild Animal Loose in the House

Posted by reudaly on June 8, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Wild Animal Loose in the House

Words: pregnant, community, logo, statistic, democracy, honesty, criminal, ankle, orange, comment


“This is not a democracy. I am the parent. You are a child. You will do what I say.” My words fell on deaf ears, and frankly all I saw was a blurry logo whizzing by. Not that I could do anything about it, being eight million months pregnant. I’d be lucky to make a wide turn, but the sky would turn orange before I said like, wait until your co-parent comes home!

Though, for the sake of honesty, I thought it and might have done a search on offspring-safe tranquilizers. That last part? Was that a criminal offense?

A screaming banshee flew past, clipping my ankle as it flashed by. I bit back a string of profanity-laced comments. The hellion would learn those words in time, but hopefully not today and not from me.

I know statistics say offspring outgrow the screaming demon stage, I just hoped I survived it, and the next one coming. If it got much worse, I might actually join that support group at the community center.

Whaaa! Followed by a crash and a screech from the family pet had me lumbering through our home. Hopefully the pet was safe enough to get away. I loved that critter. The offspring? The jury was out on that one.

Another crash. Another wail.

All in a day of parenthood.

Word Count: 222

Written: 4/15/18

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