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[Pen/Pencil Review] Subscription Box Unboxing

Posted by reudaly on April 14, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

For my birthday, Jimmy got me another subscription box (apparently these do come in one shots). I am not a great videographer, but hopefully you’ll find the unboxing fun.

Enjoy! I’ll do actual reviews of the pens in the future.

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[Write the Story] A Divorced Couple is Stuck Together

Posted by reudaly on April 10, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Divorced Couple Is Stuck Together

Words: twister, specialist, grate, swivel, elk, arise, assertive, torment, zest, solvent


“I can’t believe we’re here.” Pru near the heating grate and pouted.

“You’d rather be out in the twister?” Greg balanced precariously on the broken office chair and let it swivel. “Because I will open the door.”

“It might be better than the torment of your soap. You couldn’t use Zest or Irish Spring? You have to go with something that smells like an elk?”

Greg eyed the basement shelves and notice the can of solvent. Would a judge convict him?” He and Pru had been married for ten years before their “assertive” personalities turned into hair-raising arguments and bone-deep resentment and hatred.

“You didn’t mind when I made specialist in the field and used that to bilk me for alimony.”

Pru glared. “Woo hoo. I paid for the certification and lived through your work. I earned that. Besides we’ll be done with each other soon enough.”

“You do want me to open the door.”

“No, idiot. I’m getting married to someone who’s not a moron. We’re eloping as soon as we get out of here. I came over to tell you. Out of courtesy.”

“So who is this guy? Did he arise from the dead?”

“Vampire jokes? Really?”

“You’d be well suited, you suck the life out of everything.”

“Pru was about to retort when the tornado hit with force, and nothing seemed that important.

Word Count: 226

Written: 4/6/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Blog] Zebra Sarasa Push Clip – Viridian Green – 0.3mm

Posted by reudaly on April 8, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This week’s pen review is a different color to a basic, workhorse type pen with some fun little details. It’s the Zebra Sarasa Clip – in a 0.3mm point with Viridian Green gel ink – because they’re good like that. I am amused by the name because not far from here is a planned community that my in-laws living called Viridian. I got this one at Kinokuniya at some point.
Zebra Sarasa Push Clip pen, tip retracted
The Sarasa Clip has a great green gel ink. This one comes in the 0.3mm point with a metal, cone tip. This pen has a clear plastic, demonstrator-type barrel with a green plastic plunger and clip. The barrel threading is on the inside, making the barrel smooth and ridgeless. The green rubber grip gives the pen extra comfort in long use. The ink is smooth and doesn’t smear much. It writes quite well. It’s refillable with the Zebra JF-0.3 Sarasa Gel Refill. This is a water-based ink but is fade resistant. And the green ink is dark and rich for such a fine line. There’s no smearing, very little scratching, and it’s clear reading.
Zebra Sarasa Push Clip tip extended
This pen is about 5.5″ long retracted and about 5.75″ long with the tip extended. This is a typical length for a retractable pen, and it’s well balanced and has a decent diameter. This has a color-matched rubberized grip to give the pen some ergonomics as well as a “seamless” look and feel. The clip is sturdy and strong even though it’s plastic with metal mechanisms.
writing sample
The clip is the other fun detail. They call it a “binder clip”. It’s a spring-loaded, hard plastic clip matching the ink color. It is break-resistant and strong. It does secure well to a wide range of materials. This pen is refillable and economical for a good quality workhorse pen.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – This is a solid, utility pen. It’s inexpensive. It comes in several colors, styles, and point sizes.
2. Look and feel1 – It’s average length with a good diameter. It’s a good solid pen
3. Material1 – It’s an inexpensive utility pen. It is what it is, and it’s solid for what it is. The clip is plastic and strong.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s okay. It’s functional. It’s an average length retractable pen with some fun details.
5. Price Point0.5 – These things are relatively inexpensive – though have to be ordered through JetPens. They’re about $1.75 on JetPens. A little more at Kinokuniya but those are closed at the moment. So you can pretty much use these for the long term. There are refills available.

4.5 out of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.5

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[Write the Story] The Main Character Gets Rejected

Posted by reudaly on April 3, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The Main Character gets Rejected

Words: office, popcorn, genial, rhyme, shampoo, vote, yawn, baboon, freak, hag


“Oh, this is going to be fun. Someone pass the popcorn.” Rose rubbed her hands gleefully.

“Why are you so invested in this, Rose?” Liz shook her head. “Jim is a genial guy. Maybe he’ll surprise you, or maybe Clara will.”

“Really? He’s approaching like an awkward baboon, besides what other entertainment do we have in this office?”

“Do I get a vote?” Liz asked. “You know you’re up for Office Hag, right?”

“Shhh!” Rose nodded, stifling a yawn. “Old news. Now watch, the freak show’s about to start.”

Jim stumbled through some compliment about the smell of Clara’s shampoo followed by a weird rhyme that ended with an invitation to the most recent blockbuster movie. Clara hesitated a moment, shot Liz and Rose a shadowed glance, then accepted the offer. Rose chocked on a kernel of popcorn.

After Jim floated away on a cloud of bliss, Clara sauntered over to her co-workers. “But…but…why?” Rose sputtered.

“You didn’t think I didn’t know you were over here gossiping, did you? I know what you all think of Jim and even me. I was not about to give you or anyone else the satisfaction of hurting that nice guy. So get your jollies someplace else. I’m not playing.”

Clara flounced off, leaving Liz sputtering with laughter and Rose speechless.

Word Count: 217

Written: 4.3.2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Of Sorts…Thoughts and Plans

Posted by reudaly on March 31, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I know I’ve been a bit AWOL on the pen blog. My Day Job is an “Essential Service” and our staff are essential employees. My brain is full of all things Day Job related — I’m starting to get through the first wave of utter exhaustion and starting to regain a bit of equilibrium. I hope to start getting things back on track soon, because who knows how long the current state of affairs is going to go on.

But part of the whole “Work from Home” thing reminds me of how much crap we have accumulated – mostly because we set up a home office for me in our sunroom, which meant clearing some junk off a table. I ended up with an idea.

I have a bananas amount of pens and pencils — and I tend to get more all the time. Which gives me some “job security” I suppose. But it also takes up a lot of space. So I’m thinking of starting a give away of sorts. Going back through my pens and pencils – actually logging them in the spreadsheet I started like two years ago and didn’t get very far with (squirrel). And then, with the pens I have a lot of or didn’t use much or what have you, maybe put together some sample packs of my own to give away.

Would anyone be interested in that?

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[Write the Story] A Fairy Tale in a Faraway Land

Posted by reudaly on March 28, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Note: My day job is eating up all my time and energy. Essential workers for the win? This is the first bit of ragged creativity I’ve had in a month. I’m not sure I got the prompt right, but this is what came out. Please be kind to each other in the coming weeks and months. Be smart. Be safe. And we’ll get past this dragon.

Prompt: A Fairy Tale in a Strange Land

Words: dragon, strike, collection guess, joke, smirk, twist, upstage, wreck, beaver


Once upon a time there was a regal beaver whose dam upstaged every other dam in the land. It used every wreck and log to strike across the widest expanse of the river. But this beaver was so wrapped up in his dam that he failed to realize he was a joke among the other animals.

The beaver spent all his days working on his dam and missed the news from the rest of the forest. A dragon had come to live in the caves above the forest. The animals could only guess what the dragon would do, or when, for surely the dragon would strike at the forest. That’s what dragons do. There was only one think to do. Hide in the beaver’s dame until the dragon left.

“You want to share my home?” the beaver smirked. “You’ve made fun of my home since I began, now you want my help? Refuge in my humble collection of sticks and mud?”

The other animals hung their heads. For the beaver had heard them after all. Now surely they would be at the mercy of the dragon.

“Of course you may come in, You’ve always been welcome. Now be safe. And when the dragon comes, he or she will also be welcome. Then we shall see that love and kinds is the best part of any community. That and a nice salmon, and maybe a cup of tea.”

Word Count: 237

Written: 3/25/2020

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[Write the Story] Alone on a Deserted Island

Posted by reudaly on March 13, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Alone on a Deserted Island

Words: book review, organism, mermaid, bother, decrease, echo, grimace, inch, march, pump


Greta leaned against the palm tree and tilted her face into the sun for a moment before relaxing into the shade. This was everything the mermaid told her it would be. Gentle breezes, warm sun, the soothing echo of the tide doing its inexorable march of the tide inching its way up the beach. It was amazing.

Next to her was a pile of novels the New York Book Review declared to be Deserted Island books. So when she’d run into the djinn at the Mythical Organism Convention, she bought djinn drinks at the swim up bar and pumped him for information on wishes. The mermaid bartender had suggested the location and here she was.

She put the book down a few pages in. Something nagged at the back of her mind. She wasn’t sure what it was that bothered her about this whole idyllic set up. Then, with a grimace, she shook the sand out of her sarong and headed up the hut built near the waterfall.

The lack of people and news meant a huge decrease in stress but a mighty increase in sand flees and other itchy, crawly bugs. She knew it was too good to be true. Mythical creatures were always finding loopholes. Well given the number of books she now had? She’d find her a loophole of her own.

Word Count: 224

Written: 3/9/2020

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General Updates

Posted by reudaly on March 7, 2020 in Life with Comments closed |

I’m going to be later than normal for the blog posts probably for the next few weeks. Day Job is a bit busy. I’ve been (and probably will be) working some random hours for a while. So I might miss a few post – and/or they’ll be late. But I’m going to do my best to keep up as best I can.

Thanks for understanding.

[Pen/Pencil Blog] Revisit (sort of) of the Pilot Hi-Tec-C Maica – 0.4mm

Posted by reudaly on March 5, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I bet you realized there hasn’t been a pen blog this week. You would be right. Day Job is eating my brain this week – along with the suddenly blooming ornamental pear trees and a bunch of other things. Hello, Spring. Nice to see you. Anyway, in the group of pens I got for Christmas way back when, there was a black ink sampler from JetPens. About four of those I had already bought/reviewed in the past. So with these weeks of brain eating stuff…I may rerun a one of them. Like today. I give you the Pilot Hi-Tec-C Maica. Still iffy on the no clip thing.
I just found a pen I picked up from a while back that I haven’t reviewed yet. It’s another in the Pilot Hi-Tec-C line. This one the Maica line – which is a “fashion” type stick rollerball pen. The fashion part is in the logo medallion and the point size on the smoky cap.
It’s also a chance to revisit this pen again. I’ve wrote about the Hi-Tec-C before in other points and colors. This i. I really do like the Pilot Hi-Tec-C line – in any color because they do points like 0.4mm (and smaller). It runs almost 6.50″ with the cap posted, and 5.75″ capped – which is just a shade longer than others in the line. This pen has been comfortable in my hand in other incarnations and remains so now.
This one is black ink with a smooth line. The grip has dimples that allows for a better grip – there is a little bit of a ledge that can dig in, but it’s in a good place for comfort. The barrel is about half transparent but with black accents.
The cap has a faceted dome on the top of the cap. There’s a small loop on the cap, but no clip. The cap has some detailing and posts securely to the back of the barrel.

It’s a pretty pen. It’s a solid pen for so fine a point. And it’s relatively affordable but only available online through places like JetPens from Japan.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and it’s comfortable.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – The grip is actually textured into the plastic with dimples. For the kind of pen it is, it’s okay. It does have a ledge near to the grip that can dig in.
3. Material1 This is an inexpensive, plastic pen. It is what it is. It’s a serviceable specialty color gel ink. It’s got some nice detailing.
4. Overall Design0.5 -It’s a good pen for everyday use. It’s a go-to pen. Pilot makes a good pen. The cap doesn’t have a clip, it’s got a small loop.
5. Price Point1 – For a possibly disposable pen (though it does have refills) and the fact that you can only order it from JetPens, it’s not the least expensive pen on the market. It’s $2.50 a piece. It’s not that bad, and it’s refillable and comes in lots of colors.

I give it a 4 out of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.0

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[Write the Story] A Good Reason to Be Afraid of the Dark

Posted by reudaly on February 28, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Good Reason to Be Afraid of the Dark

Words: killer whale, depraved, janitor, bargain, dye, fool, heap, kick, praise, quilt


“You look like crap, Anna, how much sleep have you gotten?”

“Ten hours. I’m fine, Jerry,” she poured coffee on top of a heap of sugar.

“Over how many days?”

“Three? Four?” She took a pull, hoping for a kick start to something like energy. “I’m fine.”

“You’re not. What’s going on with you?”

Anna shivered “I don’t know, but I can’t close my eyes. Every time I lay down, I see…him. I know I’m a fool for letting him still get to me. He’s goen. Justice was served. But…”

“But you think you somehow got the wrong end of the bargain?” Jerry led to a couch and draped a tie-dye quilt over her. “you were so brave during the trial. You did everything in your power to make sure he never hurts anyone again.”

“Then why do I still see him?” She like the praise but she was too tired to believe it. “Why can’t I turn off the lights? Whenever it gets dark, I can hear the song. His song. Over and over.”

“Like this?”

Suddenly Jerry morphed into a killer whale in a janitor’s coveralls. He let out a depraved whale song that sent terror streaking through her nerve endings. She clawed her way back to consciousness.

Maybe tomorrow would be different.

Word Count: 215

Written: 2/27/2020

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