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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot G2 Neon Fine Point

Posted by reudaly on May 19, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I definitely go in cycles with pens – whether it’s fountain, gel, ball point or even pencil. I even shift through brands – Zebra to Pentel to Pilot and beyond. Right now I’m in a Pilot G2 phase again. I’m also into colors. The brighter the better. There are many times I stick with classic blue or black. But these days I want pink and purple and shiny – yes, it’s probably because life’s been so dark lately with the pandemic and such. I jumped at the Pilot G2 Neon collection.
Pilot G2 Neon set in packaging
These pens are classic G2s with a clear casing with the retractable mechanism, clip, and the grip matching the color of the ink. It runs just short of 5.75″. The rubber grip is pretty comfortable for an inexpensive, every day pen. One of the things I like about it is the clear barrel that allows you to see how much ink you have left. This is a classic pen in a definitely NOT classic colors. It’s the most common “fine” point, which for Pilot is 0.7mm – which for neon is plenty fine. This set came with a classic black – which I was amused to see being used in the 2007.
Pilot G2 Neon Set out of package
These pens are different. Neon is tricky. Some of it is good on white paper some on black – so I also bought black paper. I’ve done writing samples of the inks on black and white sticky notes. With the black paper, the ink doesn’t show up well until after it dries. The neon green, pink, and orange work all right on white paper – the green is really light. The neon yellow – that needs darker paper. The conical tips are smooth and lay down a solid line. The feel is good. The ink dries quickly.
Pilot G2 Writing Sample on white paper and black paper
These are available at some box stores – I found these at Target for about $7. They’re $12 at Michaels and Amazon? The heck? If you need some blindingly bright color in your life – try these.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?0.5 The ink is fine and bright for neon. It only comes in 0.7mm but that works for this. The retraction mechanism is solid. Some ink doesn’t show up on dark paper, others no on light.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s fairly basic retractable pen with a decent drip that hasn’t changed much over time, but it still gives a comfortable feel for long-term use.
3. Material1 – It’s rubberized and translucent plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – These are a standard. They’ve not changed much over time, which is good. It’s never been broken, so there’s nothing really to fix. The pen is colorful, comfortable, and solid.
5. Price Point0.5 – I got them at Target for under $10, but they seem more expensive elsewhere. So iffy on the price point

4.0 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write The Story] Grandparents Acting Like Children

Posted by reudaly on May 15, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: Grandparents Acting Like Children

Words: wedding, squash, dream, foretell, gluetstick, urchin, solstice inertial, ice, composer


“I’m a walrus!” M ort grinned as the kids squealed in delight by a simple joke of straws up his bulbous nose.

“Dad! Stop. It’s a wedding!” Angela scolded Mort as she swept by to check on the table.

“And I’m stuck at the Urchin Table, you expected me to be the responsible one?”

Angela rolled her eyes as she cleaned up ice spilled on the table before heading back onto the dance floor.

“Who jammed a gluestick up her bum?”

“They always try to squash our fun. Have a seat, Nadine.” Mort kicked out a chair.

Nadine sat primly in her matron’s dress. “It’s about time. You ready?

“Inertia’s hard to overcome, but the dream did foretell this solstice. Let’s do this.”

Nadine nodded once then sailed off to alert the others. With one more silly face to the children, Mort levered himself up and headed to the bandstand. The oldsters slowly invaded the dance floor unnoticed to the other younger adults. Mort whispered in the bandleader’s ear.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the grandfather of the bride has a gift to the couple. He’s the composer of a special piece.”

Mort cued the musicians and the elders. And the room erupted into a wild combination of the Hokey Pokey and the Chicken Dance.

Word Count: 213

Written: 5/15/20 20

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Graphite + Paper Subscription Box 2 Unboxing

Posted by reudaly on May 12, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Well, this was a surprise… Jimmy apparently DID get more than a single box from Graphite + Paper in McKinney, TX. This box came in this week along with our copy of Martha Wells’s Network Effect. If you haven’t read the Murderbot Diaries — go get those. And while you’re waiting to read them, enjoy this unboxing video.

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[Write the Story] A Summer Job

Posted by reudaly on May 8, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Summer Job

Words: amusement park, unrefined, silence, tease, creep, elated, interstellar, spiral, quiz, agent


“You’d be amazed what you hear in the Interstellar lines. People talk about the weirdest crap in the lines.” Dana let the silence follow, letting git tease her audience. She did love a good story and this group – Summer Job Anonymous – was just the place.

“Can’t be any weirder than creep agent staking out the Spiral Bounce. That guy sat on the bench and watched everyone. Never moved. Never said anything. Couldn’t have been more obvious unless he work a suit and sunglasses.

Dana ground her teeth. That’s not how it was supposed to go. These unrefined carnies of the amusement park circuit. She’d picked the wrong support group. She’d been so hopeful with this one. She’d even gotten a job at the park in town to learn all there was to know. She’d been elated to find the group. But they didn’t quiz her on her story, just went on with theirs. Did anyone know how the game was played?

Summer was coming to a close. Most of the stories now were how glad they were to be leaving. Some to school. Others to other parks in other climates. Some like Dana would be waiting for the next batch of disgruntled employees to spill their guts. And to find out where the police set up next, so she could avoid them even longer than she had. Five years and counting.

Word Count: 231

Written: 5/3/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Online Vision Magic Fountain Pen

Posted by reudaly on May 5, 2020 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

A few weeks ago, I did the iPenStore subscription box unboxing. One of the pieces in the box was the Online Vision Magic Fountain pen. I have a couple of different Online fountain pens, and I like them. Apparently iPenStore is no longer carrying this pen, maybe that’s why it’s in the box? The Online Vision Magic is just a pretty, pretty pen.
Online Fountain Pen in the box
I received the metallic teal barrel version of this pen – though it comes in several colors – the teal is just lovely. This pen is just over 5.25″ capped and about 6.75″ with the cap posted. The barrel and cap are aluminum with black accents. The cap has a tapered black accent on the top that flows into an arched, molded plastic clip with ONLINE stamped into the clip. The clip is actually hinged to the cap to give it a solid flex. The cap posts securely but lightly. The pen is light but well-balanced with its length.
Online Fountain Pen Capped
The nib is black lacquered iridium in a fine point. The nib has decent flow and little skipping or scratching. It came with an international long cartridge in blue ink. The grip is black plastic with tapering and for a comfortable feel. There is a bit of a ridge but doesn’t cut into it much. This is a solid and functional pen for new or experienced fountain pen users.
Online Fountain Pen writing sample
Not sure where you can find it now. The Online website – – is in German but does do Google Translate. These run €25.99 and I have no idea what that “translates” to. But not cheap and not all that easy to get.
Online fountain pen without cap
The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – It works. The ink flows well. The pen fits comfortably in the hand. The lines are smooth. It uses standard ink cartridges.
2. Grip and feel1 – Though the grip isn’t “squishy”, they do well to make the black grip ergonomic and comfortable. It also helps new fountain pen users hold the pen correctly to get the most out of the nib. The length is balanced with a comfortable diameter to not tire the fingers.
3. Material1 – It’s aluminum. It’s designed and marketed for beginner fountain pen users and students – which is just fine.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s a solid design. Lightweight but sturdy and comfortable.
5. Price Point0.5 – This is from Germany, which means it’s not exactly CHEAP. It is refillable and sturdy, so you’ll get your money’s worth, but it does run €25.99. For a good student/beginner pen, it’s not a bad investment, but it’s definitely not a pen you can easily lose.

That’s 4.5 of 5 bronze pencils.

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[Write the Story] The Cast of a Broadway Show

Posted by reudaly on May 1, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The Cast of a Broadway Show

Words: gargoyle, advertisement, shelter, cast, calculating, singularity, dwarf, arithmetic, rubber, scissors


“Do the simple arithmetic, Yoshi. We’re not all going to make it.” Celia gestured with her scissors. “The best some of us can hope for is the touring company.”

“Come on, Cee, do you have to be so calculating?” Yoshi wiggled into his rubber gargoyle headpiece. “Can’t you just enjoy the fact we’re here? Together? It the Broadway Theater for crying out loud.”

Celia handed the dwarf costume she finished mending to another actor before turning back. “Yeah, but we still have the advertisement in the trades. Why? We don’t need more cast. We need backstage. I’m an actor, not a wardrober.”

“But if you’re right, you’re golden no matter what. You have skills.” Yoshi gestured at himself. “I’m just talented and pretty.”

Celia threw a leather wrist bracer at him. He snatched it out of the air with a grin. “Thanks. I need that. Hey, has anyone asked why a play called In the Shelter of the Singularity has dwarves and gargoyles in it?”

“You’re an actor on Broadway. Do you care?” Celia was always a realist. “Getting paid, I might add.”

“Nope. Let’s go light it up.”

As they headed towaerd the wings, they heard the whine of the prop machines.

“Hopefully they got the singularity fixed. I thought I was going to get sucked in last night.”

“By the way,” Celia said. “Did anyone see Jack after last night’s show?”

Word Count: 233

Written: 4/30/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot G2 – 0.7mm Purple Ink and Fashion Barrel

Posted by reudaly on April 28, 2020 in Review, writing instruments |

This week’s pen blog returns to a classic and an old favorite in a new skin – the Pilot G2. The Pilot G2 is hands down an icon in the gel pen world. It’s been THE gel pen for many people for…well, ever. And as much as I also love Pentel Energel and Zebra Sarasa – the Pilot G2 was my first gel love. This week I revisit this old friend in a new skin – the Pilot G2 purple 0.7mm in a white decorative case.
Pilot G2 pen in purple - tip retracted
This is a classic G2 with a clear white casing with purple floral patterns and gold lettering on the clip. It runs just short of 5.75″. The rubber grip is pretty comfortable for an inexpensive, every day pen. The clip is molded plastic. The tip is clear plastic with the spring showing through. It’s a prettier version of the typical G2.
Pilot G2 purple writing sample
The ink is as awesome as always, the roller is smooth but not too thick for a 0.7mm. There’s no glopping of the ink. It doesn’t smear easily – though gel there’s some ability for smearing on slick paper. The purple ink is a good solid hue.. These pens have good ink reservoirs with rich tints to the ink. The conical tips are smooth and lay down a solid line. The feel is good. The ink dries quickly.
Pilot G2 pen in purple - tip retracted
I got mine in a bin at Staples just before all the Safer at Home orders. They’re available in singles in box store. I believe it was $1.99 – which means it’s still in the $2 range that is typical of the Pilot G2. There are other “fashion” colors in the line, but they weren’t in a package.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 The ink is strong and comes in decent point sizes – this is the “classic” 0.7mm. The retraction mechanism is solid.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s fairly basic retractable pen with a decent drip that hasn’t changed much over time, but it still gives a comfortable feel for long-term use.
3. Material1 – It’s rubberized and plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – These are a standard. They’ve not changed much over time, which is good. It’s never been broken, so there’s nothing really to fix. The pen is colorful, comfortable, and solid.
5. Price Point1 – These run just under $2 a pop which is about on par. These are available in the single pen bins at Staples. Probably elsewhere.

5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write the Story] A Difficult Decision

Posted by reudaly on April 24, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Difficult Decision

Words: Grand Canyon, skate, vacuum, waltz, grizzly, cling, brogue, agony, twinkling, observatory


“Stop! Just…Stop!” I threw up my hands and shouted to be heard. “What is all the yelling about?” I should’ve known better than to ask for options or opinions for our vacation.

In a twinkling, every voice had a thought between the Grand Canyon and a observatory skate party. The arguments of the merits of a zero-g waltz over potential grizzly bear encounters sucked all the energy and air from the room as effectively as hard vacuum. I tried, valiantly tried, to cling to my patience and my sanity.

“But, MOM!” Yes, the people driving me to distraction were my own fault. They were my offspring.

“I said stop.” I let my full brogue out, which only happened when I was done. Yes, I asked. That was my mistake. But I totally did not expect this agony. Now, instead of a calm, rational discussion, I was screaming like a banshee. “Okay. Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to split up. It’s without someone dying. So here’s what we’re going to do.”

I laid out my plans—splitting up the family. The offspring went one way. Parents another. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth, but it wasn’t mine.

Word Count: 201

Written: 4/23/2020

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[Pen/Pencil Review] UGH…and Ugh

Posted by reudaly on April 22, 2020 in Archive, Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I felt like I was getting back on track – and apparently…I can only focus on one blog at a time? Or at least on one type of blog. One of the things I picked up again is a fun little Pilot G2 purple. Since I’m a bit limited on bandwidth right now – and have a need to focus on fiction this week, I pulled a really old (2011) comparison blog on the variety of G2s. The blog has come a long way since this blog — can’t believe I’ve been doing this for about 10 years now? More or less consistently.


[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pilot G2 Family Comparison – G2 vs. G2 Pro vs. G2 Limited

This is a busy week so this is kind of thrown together. It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Pilot pens and ink. The G2 is my go to ink. I do wish the 0.38 points came in all the colors and not just blue, black, red, and green. So what’s left to say? My husband suggested comparing the typical G2 to the G2 Pro and the G2 Limited.

The “normal” G2 has a clear casing with the retractable mechanism and the grip matching the color of the ink. It runs just short of 5.75″. The rubber grip is pretty comfortable for an inexpensive, every day pen. One of the things I like about it is the clear barrel that allows you to see how much ink you have left. It’s a good, solid pen. This pen comes in single and multi-packs – which run about $2 individually.

The G2 Pro is snazzier. It has an opaque barrel that comes in navy, dark red, and olive green. The pen has metal accents on the clip, top of the grip, and just under the grip. with a black cap and grip. It runs between 5.5″ and 5.75″ in length – a smidge shorter than the G2. It feels a bit thicker than the G2, but also has a more pronounced ergonomic dip in the grip. This can dig a bit into the fingers, which could cause a little bit of discomfort. My husband thinks is the thickest of the pens and doesn’t fit him as well. The Pro is the middle price point. It runs $5-$7 – depending on the source.

The G2 Limited comes in metallic colors with a full metal clip, more metal accents than the Pro, and more rounded edges. It runs just a touch over 5.75″, making it the longest of the three. The grip is the same color as the barrel, giving it a bit of a more sophisticated look and feel. The barrel and grip are less “edgy” than the Pro, giving it a somewhat softer, easier feel. It’s not quite as wide as the Pro. The Limited is, of course the most expensive one. They run $10-$15 – depending on the source. The photos show the pens in reverse order – Limited on top, G2 on bottom. It’s that kind of week.

Both the Pro and the Limited are heftier than the “normal” G2, which I would expect from an “upper” end pen. However, all three are solid, workhorse pens. It’s hard to say if one is “better” than the other, but both my husband and I drift more toward the Limited. I am quick to discard the “normal” G2 barrel to use the inks in other things. And though I LOVE the olive green barrel of the Pro, the grip does dig a bit into my finger – because I tend to write with a death grip. The Limited is the best of both worlds. Comfortable, hefty, pretty — they just don’t make a green one.

It’s hard to award “bronze pencils” to a comparison like this. The Pilot G2 is simply a good, steady pen, we’re talking aesthetics mostly in this one. But I would give the Pilot G2 family a solid 4 bronze pencils. They aren’t perfect, but they do get the job done.

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[Write the Story] An Anniversary Party

Posted by reudaly on April 17, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: An Anniversary Party

Words: tour guide, sprout, beluga, breed, galoshes, bitterness, adversary, binary, radiant, transit


“Welcome to the Sprout Museum 20th Anniversary Gala. Please leave any coats, bags, and galoshes at the check stand.” Leon stood by the inner doors, waiting as the guests left their belongings and formed up. Leon plastered on his patented tour guide smile and boxed up his bitterness.

He led the rich and powerful through various permanent exhibit as they did the ransit to the planetarium wing. He pointed out interesting bits and trotted out the well-known stories. He kept reminding himself that the people behind him were not an adversary. They were allies. Potential allies. Necessary allies if he was going to continue the work.

“And here we are.”

The rich and famous gasped and oohed. Leon had the planetarium’s rotunda’s dome project their current research. Stars glittered brighter and colder than the diamonds on many of the women. Music played softy near the buffet tables.

“In honor of the Beluga Binary you can see there,” Leon pointed to radiant strobing stars. “Enjoy our special breed of caviar and other savories We’l be watching the comet passage in about an hour.”

“Young man.” An older matron strode toward him. “Why should we give you our money.”

“Because the Sprout’s research into that star and comet could be the answer to saving our energy needs and the world before it’s too late.”

Word Count: 222

Written: 4/17/2020

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