Posts by reudaly:
[Writing] Finding My Footing
It’s Week 2 of the New Chapter.
Been a little slower than I thought it would be. But…as my therapist always tells me, I’m being gentle with myself. Or at least trying to.
It’s kind of like rearranging a room, you make a bigger mess/chaos before it all gets back into order. I’m in the giant mess portion of my adjustments.
Today, I dug out my old submission spreadsheets – which are WOEFULLY out of date. But also found stories that I’d finished but never sold – at least, I don’t think they did? Records got muddled, but some I know did not. I’d found a print out of one of them and did a quick clean up. Starting the submission process for that one now. I have a few others printed to just read through first – just read – THEN edit. Then try again.
So that means I have 2 stories out, which is more than I’ve had in the past. It’s been a long time since I’ve done spec short fiction work – hence the low hanging fruit first.
I’m working on some other projects, too, both long and short.
It’s a start.
First Update of The New Chapter
Here we go… remembering that I have a website and I should use it. It’s Day 4 of this new chapter thing, and it’s…going? I am keeping my previous work “schedule” of doing stuff at my desk in the mornings and when I need to do stuff, it’s in the afternoons. There will be some […]
New Chapters
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated (or heck, even thought about) this website. Most of you will have seen the poll on my socials asking about what you want to see here. If you want to weigh in and haven’t seen the social posts: Audience Participation: One of the things I need to […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The Mithril Mechanisms Chess Knight Pen
SoonerCon is one of my favorite science fiction conventions. They have great programming and an amazing Art Show. I love hanging out with some of our favorite artists and meeting new ones. Especially ones that create wondrous works in ink pens. Allan Seyberth is just the newest one. He had an amazing display. He’s currently […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] The BIC 4-Color Ballpoint Pen – Flerken Edition
I found out recently that fellow Yard Dog Press authors, Phillip Drayer Duncan and Tracy Morris talked about pens and this blog on Phillip’s Future Best Seller Podcast. Which means, I should keep up the work…right? While in East Texas a couple last weekend, I picked up a BIC 4-Color pen with Flerken on it […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] BIC Cristal ReNew Re-Fillable Pen and 2 Refills, Black
Today is National Ball Point Pen Day, which seemed like a good time to another pen blog – and to start making it more of a habit. And there’s nothing more classic on National Ball Point Pen Day than a BIC stick pen. Today we’re talking about the BIC Cristal ReNew Re-Fillable Pen. I know […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] Sharpie Goes Sherpa
It’s been one hot minute, hasn’t it? I have so many pens and pencils to review – and so much guilt for not doing it. Guilt that I’m trying to let go of by getting started once more. I need to just do it. So, okay, we’ll start slow, maybe not every week again at […]
New Year…It’s All About Heart
This is a life update story. And it might border on both TMI and TL:DR After 3 years of adulting (and yes, and adulting sucks), I finally found out something I’ve been struggling to learn. I finally, finally Know what’s been going on with what I thought was my Dad’s heart valve AFib. After THREE […]
[Pen/Pencil Review] A Slow Return — the Dallas Pen Show
It’s been a long time since I’ve done any kind of blog. There’s been a lot of–stuff. A lot of stress. Maybe some fog from some low-level anti-depressants I took for some menopause symptoms that failed. But now SOME things are settling down (others will be a constant thrum for the next year to 18 […]
New Beginnings
I’ve started Day Job 2 this week. I have a great team. It seems like an encouraging environment. Everyone is excited to have me and my skillset (I am trying not to let Imposter Syndrome come knocking). There’s a lot of information flowing right now that’s a touch overwhelming, but that will ease off in […]