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First Update of The New Chapter

Posted by reudaly on March 6, 2025 in Writing |

Here we go… remembering that I have a website and I should use it.

It’s Day 4 of this new chapter thing, and it’s…going? I am keeping my previous work “schedule” of doing stuff at my desk in the mornings and when I need to do stuff, it’s in the afternoons. There will be some doctor stuff messing with that in the next few weeks, but that’s expected.

What isn’t quite expected? I’m going through some random notebooks and papers and making sure there are things in the computer. I have snippets of stories and thoughts that are dated back to 2020 that I started and abandoned. Yep… that’s a thing. That’s what I’ve been battling for the last several years. I would start writing and something would happen (usually Day Job related) that would throw everything out the window.

I’m getting these things entered and feeling these potential projects to see if something triggers a time to be finished.

Because in the Writer 101 FAQ – “Where do you get your ideas?” Oh, honey, ideas I’ve GOT. Follow through? That’s something I sometimes struggle with.

Also need to see if I have some stories that never sold that might need a new polish and a new lease on submission (just to re-ignite that muscle memory).

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