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[Write the Story] An Object Found in the Trash

Posted by reudaly on January 1, 2021 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: An Object Found in the Trash

Words: cobbler, umber, haunt, grumble, raincoat, unleavened, bravery, ray, toffee, imaginary


Trash Day. I hated trash day, but I was only the apprentice I got the crap jobs including taking out the garbage. No sense in grumbling, I thought as I tightened the belt of my raincoat.

“You know, you’re looking at this chore all wrong.”

“It’s garbage. How could I look at this better?” I don’t know why I kept having these conversations. I still hadn’t figured out if my new ‘friend’ was imaginary, or if I had a haunt.

“You are a baker’s apprentice. You have the ability to be a ray of hope to those out there struggling to eat.”

Okay, my ghost friend – Mabry – had my attention. “Go on.”

“Think about it. There’s nothing really wrong with that loaf of bread didn’t rise like it was supposed to and the cobbler came out burnt umber instead of raw…”

“Unleavened bread and slightly overdone dessert. A lot of people would find that a blessing.”

Mabry had a point, but my boss was a stickler for perfection and never giving anything away for free.

“It’s a small act of bravery. Sort of the pieces that can be eaten. Be better than others.”

So, I listened to Mabry and started leaving out the edible but imperfect food on trash run days. The food always disappeared, and one day I found a flower and a note on the trash can. All it said was “bless you.”

Word Count: 235

Written: 12/30/2020

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