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[Life Update] It’s Been a Minute

Posted by reudaly on April 3, 2022 in Life |

It’s been a minute. I apologize for dropping off the face of the internet. I fully intend to get back to pen blogging. There’s a lot to catch up on — pens, and life.

First of all, I’ve struggled with fiction writing over the last several months. Every time I’ve gotten started on a project, something at the Day Job has happened to keep the momentum at bay. Some stress Much of it pandemic related, or in February, weather related. So I’ve gone an found another job.

On April 25th I’ll be starting a new Day Job adventure that’s a major step up and an exciting new opportunity. I’ll miss my team but not the constant stress and work of the last two years. I’ll get to continue my advocacy work in mental health, train newer professionals, and be involved with that community. I can’t wait to start this — but it will also mess with my productivity. Fortunately, it’s going to be hybrid for a while, so I get to still work from home for a while for most of the week. I did the whole process virtually, so it was amazing to meet my new boss in person at a professional national conference last week.

I was on the Local Host Committee of that conference last week, which meant a national stage for the day job. It was a great experience. I’m looking forward to other opportunities.

Unfortunately, that experience was marred by drama in the non-profit side of my life. I was not part of the decision-making process, but I’m part of the dealing with the aftermath process. It’s been exhausting since it will paint way too many people with a very broad brush. We’ll see how that all plays out and what the consequences are. Yay…

I intend to make a full return to this blog. I’m not sure what else may be on the blog besides pen reviews, and I’m open to suggestions.


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