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[Write the Story] Follow the Main Character Through a Day with NO Dialog or Direct Interactions

Posted by reudaly on November 17, 2021 in Write the Story, Writing |

3/5 — only two left of this project. This is coming out a little early because… vacation. Whee!

Prompt: Follow the Main Character Through a Day with No Dialog or Direct Interaction

Words: sociopath, buzz, mend, geyser, awl, consent, diner, second-hand, vice, wane


Daveed wiped the awl clean and hung it in its place above the vice. Everything clean and orderly, which calmed the buzz in his brain. The geyser of chaos was turned off at the source.

His doorbell chime startled him only until he checked the time. His meal was right on time. The diner down the street knew him. They didn’t disappoint. He set the table with second-hand dishes and cutlery. He very precisely set the food on the plate.

After eating, he methodically cleaned up the food and gathered the garbage He took the bags through the back alleys to a dumpster he had consent to use. Only a sociopath would leave refuse in his own home, right?

He returned home, noticing a small tear in the back curtain he needed to mend. No sense giving anyone undue access. His business was his. He’d worked hard to make sure any curiosity by neighbors had waned.

As darkness fell, he could relax a bit. He chose the area for the quiet. He lived for it. The streets were empty. Everyone in their homes. He could breathe now. This was his time, and it was time to make full use of it.

Word Count: 201

Written: 11/16-17/2021

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