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[Write the Story] Scientists are Never Off Duty

Posted by reudaly on June 25, 2021 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Scientists are Never Off Duty

Words: fossil, reactor, sage, hell, gluten, devour, fig, landmine, babble, New Year


“Are you sure this is gluten free?” Elena gestured with her fork. “Because if it’s not, my gut will turn into a landmine in just a few hours.”

The waiter balked a bit before putting down the plate of fig and sage coated salmon. “Absolutely sure, ma’am. Enjoy your meal and Happy New Year.”

Lou smirked as he started to devour his own meal. “You do that just to freak them out.”

“Not true…completely.” Elena dug into her fish. “Celiac is not to be trifled with. It really is hell on the gut.”

They ate amiably amid the holiday babble in the restaurant. Lou paused a moment. “Did he say it was New Years?”

“Is it? Yah, I guess it is.” Elena frowned a moment. “Guess that’s why the wait was so long for the table.”

“How did we miss a major holiday?”

“We’re super close to bringing the Fossil Ridge reactor on line. The first new generation thorium reactor is being unveiled. We did it, Lou.”

“That’s something to celebrate.” Lou lifted his glass. The light refracted off the glass.

Elena’s eyes narrowed then widened. “Oh my gosh! Refraction. That’s what we’ve been missing. Come on, Lou! We have to get back! I think I have it! The answer to that last question. Let’s go!”

Word Count: 216

Written: 6/24/2021

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