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[Write the Story] A Summer Job

Posted by reudaly on May 8, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A Summer Job

Words: amusement park, unrefined, silence, tease, creep, elated, interstellar, spiral, quiz, agent


“You’d be amazed what you hear in the Interstellar lines. People talk about the weirdest crap in the lines.” Dana let the silence follow, letting git tease her audience. She did love a good story and this group – Summer Job Anonymous – was just the place.

“Can’t be any weirder than creep agent staking out the Spiral Bounce. That guy sat on the bench and watched everyone. Never moved. Never said anything. Couldn’t have been more obvious unless he work a suit and sunglasses.

Dana ground her teeth. That’s not how it was supposed to go. These unrefined carnies of the amusement park circuit. She’d picked the wrong support group. She’d been so hopeful with this one. She’d even gotten a job at the park in town to learn all there was to know. She’d been elated to find the group. But they didn’t quiz her on her story, just went on with theirs. Did anyone know how the game was played?

Summer was coming to a close. Most of the stories now were how glad they were to be leaving. Some to school. Others to other parks in other climates. Some like Dana would be waiting for the next batch of disgruntled employees to spill their guts. And to find out where the police set up next, so she could avoid them even longer than she had. Five years and counting.

Word Count: 231

Written: 5/3/2020

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