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[Write the Story] The Characters Are Aware That They’re Fictional

Posted by reudaly on September 27, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: The Characters Are Aware That They’re Fictional

Words: oil rig, dynasty, lousy, vault, discharge, supreme, migrate, harvest, jaw, pudding


“What idiot puts a vault on a friggin’ oil rig?” Diane whispered as they crept through the dark corridors and pipe structure of Supreme Harvest floating rig. Rings, dings, and hisses covered and sounds of footfalls on the metal grating.

“The better question is why are we even here? The Dynasty is lousy with spies and thieves. We’re…aww, crap. It’s another story. She’s writing again.” Andrew rubbed his jaw. “Can’t you just let us go?” He shouted at the air above him.

Diane nearly pulled him to the deck, head swiveling for discovery. She caught herself when no weapons discharge occurred. “you’re right, Andy. She hasn’t gotten to the fight scene or discovery fail cycle. I don’t feel the urgent need to throw myself into a fight I should have no reason to win. She might be blocked. You?”

Andrew shook his head. “I think we passed a cafeteria in the last chapter. Let’s go see if they have pudding and see if we can figure out how to migrate into a nice coming of age story or a light romance.”

Diane thought for a moment. “That’s a thought, but I kind of like being the kick butt heroine. Though I have been whispering in her brain about ditching the tragic backstory. I’d rather be the strong but emotionally stable type.”

“Have you met our author? Good luck with that.”

A voice came from above. “Hey, you two, pipe down and get back to work. We have a deadline.”

Word Count: 249

Written: 9/27/2019

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