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[Write the Story] The Main Character Ignored the Warning Label

Posted by reudaly on August 23, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: The Main Character Ignored the Warning Label

Words: comedian, commission, trump, bamboo, bombastic, vast, blonde, gross, sophisticated, giraffe


“I told you…”

“So. You told me so, Mira. I get it. I made a mistake.” Peter huddled behind the potted bamboo plant.

“You know someone as sophisticated as you look about as inconspicuous as a giraffe hiding like this.” Mira sipped her drink, eyes dancing.

“Always the comedian, Mira.” Peter took a long drink of his blonde ale. He wrinkled his nose. “I thought this would be…better.”

“The wizard told you there would be side effects.” Mira peered through the leaves. “There was a even a label on the potion bottle.”

“What does it say about you that you drank after me?” Peter snapped. Then he bolted upright. “Did you hear that? He’s coming.”

“I still can’t believe you made such a gross error in your incantation.” Mira slid next to him. “You should get your money back on this spell commission.”


“Well what? What did you do?”

His answer was drowned out in the musical blare of musical instruments. The bombastic din went along with the stories he’d always heard about Trump, but this wasn’t what he had in mind when he’d made his request for a glimpse into the human realms. But was the thing with Humans – there was a vast difference between them, and they had no idea how they influenced other realms. But still a president… That’s when he realized Mira was no longer with him.

Word Count: 233

Written: 8/22/2019

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