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[Pen/Pencil Review] Daiso 2 in 1 Pen and Stamp Set

Posted by reudaly on April 9, 2019 in Review, writing instruments |

I love Daiso. So much so that I just had to introduce my friend, Nora, to this amazing place when she came down. You see, Nora and I love a good bargain – resale shops, dollar stores (the good ones), and she had never heard of Daiso. This had to change. She LOVED it, and I love the stationary section and tend to overboard it there.
image of four pens and stamps in package
This is one of those times. This time I picked up the multi-pack of the 2 in 1 pen and stamp pens. This stemmed from the fact I forgot to take my weird $1 bin stamps that I bought last year for a writer thing to this year’s writer thing – WORD in the Field this time. They do a bingo card. I could’ve used these there.
image of the ink and stamps of pens
These pens are half 0.7mm fiber tipped pens/markers (THAT much I can read on the package and got wrong in the writing samples) in primary colors – red, green, blue, and orange – and half 5mm self-inking stamps – heart, musical note, star, and flower – in contrasting shades/colors. (Wow that’s a huge sentence.) These pens are pretty long, 6.5″ both capped and posted. The pen tapers to a textured grip and guard to the fiber tip. The tip seems pretty sturdy.
image of four pens and stamps of various shades of green, red, yellow, and blue
The ink takes a second or two to dry. The writing tip dries more quickly (which seems obvious) than the stamp ink. The symbol of the stamps are designs on the cap. The stamp cap doesn’t post, but the pen end does. The colors are bright and a somewhat vibrant – though it’s water-based ink, so don’t get it wet.

They’re just…adorable. And they’re Daiso, so $1.50 for the package? Nothing beats that.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and is pretty dark and rich. The stamps work the way one would expect.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s plastic. Well done plastic but completely plastic. There are some ridges for the cap lock that can dig in.
3. Material1 It’s all plastic but for the most part the detailing and design are pretty nifty. I half expect something on it to dry out pretty quickly – likely the stamp ends first.
4. Overall Design1 – Okay, I like it since it managed to surprise me. The ink and design are well done. I see this as a solid, fun pen and stamp.
5. Price Point1 – You can’t beat this. 4 pens plus stamps for $1.50 at Daiso. Even if they all dry out in less than a week? TOTALLY worth it. I hope I can keep them around or find them again the next time I need something for like Writer Bingo.

I give it a 4.5 out of 5 bronze pencils.

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