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[Music Review] The Bilge Pumps – Planned Piratehood

Posted by reudaly on March 5, 2019 in Review |

A few weeks ago (longer than it should have been) Craig Lutke from The Bilge Pumps asked if I would review their newest 2-disc album project, Planned Piratehood. I was up front that I haven’t reviewed music in a very long time and they’d be better off with someone with more reach in the whole piratical, musical scene – but still he wanted me to give it a listen.

I have apologized for the fact that I have delayed getting this done because of a whole slew of cheesy, lame excuses. Some of which was sheer procrastination (I have long ago given up my amateur status when it comes to crastination, I’m a TOTAL pro.) BUT… I’m here now. Let’s get this review started.

Planned Piratehood was recorded between July 2014 and December 2018. It’s 38 tracks of beautiful ridiculousness – which is something one comes to expect from The Bilge Pumps. Only 34 of them have names on the liner notes. These tracks are a great combination of classic rock and Celtic folk music – all with the unique twists and marks of this band’s comedic tastes.

I will admit there is one track I didn’t listen to – and won’t – because it’s my most unfavorite song of all time no matter WHO does it. Disc 1 – “Delivery Room” contains “House of the Rising Sun”. I don’t know why I can’t stand this song, but I have NEVER, EVER, EVER liked it. Still don’t. It’s my okra of the music world. Sorry guys. Disc 2 is called “Nursery”.

But that one track aside, there are so many more to love. I sang along (in my head, I hope) to the Irish/Celtic classic “The Old Black Rum” while on the elliptical. “Southern Cross” got me though traffic with great harmonies. I actually thing Jimmy Buffet would be proud of Bilge’s cover of “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”. And OMG, Rippy the Gator is the BEST absolutely WORST “childrens’ song of all time. Many of the traditional Celtic/Pirate type songs are adapted to be more… piratical.

There are lovely originals as well. “A Pirate Lullaby” is beautiful. You can learn to talk like one of them with “Piratical Talk”. And “The Captain’s Daughter” and “One more on a Dead Man’s Chest” are what you’d expect from a group of rapscallions.

It’s just a ton of fun. So if you’re in need (and you are, you totally are) of good, fun music with strong harmonies, flutes, mandolins, drums, and guitars. So check out their website – – to order the cds and check out their show schedule. Tell them I sent you – it won’t matter – but then they’d know I did the review, finally.

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