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[Pen/Pencil Review] Wonder Woman Pencil Bag

Posted by reudaly on October 16, 2018 in Review, writing instruments |

This is going to be running late, but I’m still working on getting all the weird eccentricities of rebuilding one’s computer and getting everything back up and running – this pen review will NOT be of a pen, but a pen case, well, bag. I’ve done the Nock Pen cases before, this one is a bit different. I picked up this lovely Wonder Woman pen holder at the Dallas Pen Show. I bought it for more than one reason. The main being it’s freaking Wonder Woman. The other reason is that it was made by an enterprising young entrepreneur.

I love Ryan Krusac’s pens. I’ve met him a couple of times over the years at the Dallas Pen Show – usually with Brandon Lee, who sadly couldn’t be with us this year because of a loss in his family. Ryan also couldn’t make it but his beautiful, beautiful (someday I hope to be able to afford one) pens did with his wife and one of his daughters – I don’t remember which daughter. But Ryan’s daughter hand made these lovely pen bags in comic book and other fabrics. I had to have the Wonder Woman one.

The bags are double layered cotton fabric. Mine is lined with yellow. There’s a slit in the top about 1/3 down one side of the bag, allowing for the top to be folded back. The bag is about 9.5” long fully extended. It’s about 7” long with top folded back. It has a 12” heavy cord (leather like or suede, not sure which) attached about an inch below the slit to let you tie the bag tight. It’s 4” across with nothing in it. It will comfortably hold about a dozen or so “regular” ballpoint or rollerball pens, six or so of the larger fountain or ergonomic pens.

I assume it’s washable since it is cotton fabric. It is soft and flexible, but lets you protect your pens in a bag or purse while being cute. You can probably only get these from Ms. Krusac at a pen show with Ryan. They ran $20, I think, but that’s a decent price for a hand-crafted pen holder from a young woman with an enterprising spirit. I’m all for encouraging THAT. If you’re interested, you might be able to find out more through Ryan’s website.
The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – It works really well. It holds a bunch (technical term) standard pens or fewer bigger ones. They will squish together though.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s a double-lined cotton bag, but it does feel durable and solid while being flexible. The pens work out well in them.
3. Material1 – The material is cotton. It’s washable but will likely stain and fray over time. But it is what is and it’s FUN.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s well-designed for what it is. They don’t overhype the case. It’s a good, versatile pen case.
5. Price Point0.5 – It’s not cheap, but has that Young Entrepreneur vibe, along with the great pop culture design. It might be harder to find than some, but worth it. It was, I believe, $20, but I think I’m going to get my $20 worth of use out of it before I kill it.

That’s 4.5 of 5 bronze pencils.

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