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[Write the Story] The Main Character Thwarts Traditional Gender Roles

Posted by reudaly on September 28, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: The Main Character Thwarts Traditional Gender Roles

Words: woman, bestseller, buttress, goldfish, barnyard, walkway, crop, winter, driveway, steer


Lou crept along the buttress walkway shivering in the frigid winter night air. Somewhere below a steer bawled in a barnyard. No use getting caught now. Soon the crops would be in, and she would be sent away to marry someone twice her age. All for the sake of her family’s honor. She’d soon be no more than a decorative goldfish.

“Psst, Lou! Over here!”

Lou started at the sound but relaxed when she saw the shadow form into the solid bearing of Glenda, the woman who raised her on behalf of her parents. The nurse hunched over and cast furtive glances, afraid to be discovered.

“I brought food, clothes, and a small purse.”

Lou hugged Glenda tight. “Thank you! Only you have ever understood.” She quickly traded her shift and dress for trousers and sturdy boots. She would cut her hair when she had a chance, but for now it padded the wool cap. She hefted the pack and kissed Glenda’s cheek then went over the wall to see her fortune – wherever that led. It was her life now whether as Louise or Louis, it was her choice.

Benjamin hit save after the “the end”, sure this was going to be his bestseller. He had to get to the mailbox at the end of the driveway to meet the mailman. He had to get the contracts out. The next Benita Gamez book would be hitting the shelves soon.

Word Count: 239

Written: 9/4/18

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