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[Pen/Pencil Review] Post Convention/Birthday Drive By

Posted by reudaly on February 19, 2018 in Review, writing instruments |

This past weekend was both ConDFW and my birthday (thanks to everyone who came by the convention and wished me a happy birthday whether in person or online). But that made for a very busy weekend, so today’s day off was full of catch up — and seeing Black Panther because…well, BLACK PANTHER!!!!

This was a transition year in pen pilgrimmages and such. Paradise Pen Company is gone, which is sad. But I was fortunate that at ConDFW I met David Doub (Sr, for those who know the Dusk Comics David Doub). Doub Sr makes wood, metal, and acrylic pens. Doub Jr convinced Sr to apply appliques to the arcylic and create comic book (and other themes) hand-turned pens, mostly in the cigar style. I ended up with TWO of his creations – one was a purchase (MINIONS!), the other (Wonder Woman) was a birthday gift from Jimmy.

Then Floyd and Sarah Brigdon gifted me with an amber glass necklace that’s a skull and spinal cord. The spinal cord is curved to fit the hand (sort of) and with a glass fountain pen nib. It’s a first attempt and the designer (who was a vendor at the convention) and it works – after a fashion. So it needs some evolution and refinement, but for a (currently) one of a kind/unique, and let’s face it… BAD ASS pen, I don’t care that you can’t use it except for demonstration purposes.

The Doub pens are classic Parker-Style refills – currently with what feels like a 0.7mm but is probably bigger – black ballpoint ink in both pens. They work well, and will be well loved and used.

These are SO COOL!!! But almost impossible to rate. The Doub Pens are, and I may come back to these, because he is really reasonably priced, but today there is a blog post.


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