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[Writer Post] The First Wednesday of 2018

Posted by reudaly on January 3, 2018 in Writing |

It’s the first Wednesday of 2018. I’m on better track than I was the end of 2017. Yay? The last few days have actually been productive, so here’s hoping the vacation actually did what it was supposed to which is recharge my brain.

I’ve extended the deadline for the Cancer Can Suck It anthology for a couple of weeks to see if we can get some more submissions in. Right now, we don’t have a whole lot, but we’ll see what happens.

Got to read a whole lot during the vacation. That was lovely. Now, I’m delving into the “to be written” pile. It’s time to address all those projects that have been mocking me for the last several months. Productivity is a lovely thing – which is why I’m trying to not scare that away.

Okay, so here we go. I have some deadlines looming, which makes for motivation. There are things I want to do and am now working to make that happen. So let’s do the thing. ONWARD!!!

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