[Writing Post] The Year of Unexpected Interruptions
The last Wednesday of 2017. Here we go, wrapping up the Year of Unexpected Interruptions. Out with the old and all. Just a reminder that I’m still taking submissions for the Cancer Can Suck It anthology. Deadline is this weekend. Please consider submitting.
I am on vacation this week, but puttering about the house – Staycation is a silly, made up concept, but it’s pretty nice in practice when your year has been hectic. I FINALLY got the giant pile of clutter 90% cleared off my desk – granted, it’s the desk I rarely use anymore, but it needed to be done. And now it is, or mostly is, done. Yay. Check mark on the list of Things to Do.
It’s one of those annoying projects that seemed seriously daunting, but once I started in only took an hour. Which makes me feel stupid because that project has been hanging out there. Taunting me. Grr. But yay. Accomplishment. I’ve also read some – finished one book and hopefully will get through at least one more this week. Working on some paperwork and other projects this week. Built a small LEGO project. Will get some pens set up for reviews.
I will continue the Write the Story notebook. That was a good thing I did this year – and since I didn’t get nearly as much done I would’ve liked, I will move forward with it (and there’s a second notebook that Piccadilly sent me) into this next year. I will be working on finishing stuff this year and hopefully avoiding some of the Unexpected Interruptions.
It’s a good plan for 2018. Let’s see how far I get with THAT one.