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[Write the Story] Running Away from Change

Posted by reudaly on December 22, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: Running Away From Change

Words: flight, blacktop, tense, contemplation, window, enclosure, spit, blink, trade, fence


I peered out the window, lost in my own contemplation of the future. I stared at the blacktop beyond the fence enclosure, to the fields beyond trying to still the racing thoughts in my head. It didn’t work.

“Last call for Flight 301 to Ontario. Last call for Flight 301.”

I still didn’t move. I couldn’t even feel myself blink. I was so close I could almost spit on it, but something held me back.

“Miss? The doors are closing. Are you getting on the plane?”

I squared my shoulders once hunched and tense and turned to the desk clerk. “Um, no. No, I’m not. In fact, I need to trade out my ticket.”

“Well, you know…”

“All kinds of fees, I know.” I smiled even though I didn’t quite feel like it. “Sometimes…sometimes it not.”

The clerk gave me the oddest look, and I couldn’t blame her. That statement only made sense in my mind. There was change and then there was CHANGE. I could handle one, but the other? Well time would tell if staying put in Canada as better than whatever was in Hollywood.

Word Count: 187

Written: 10/10/17

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