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[Write the Story] Circus Performers are People Too

Posted by reudaly on October 20, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: Circus Performers are People, Too

Words: confrontation, clap, coach, zoom, lumber, clumsy, digestion, letter, giant, whip


“This case is going to mess with my digestion, isn’t it, Clay?” Judge Ines Neal rubbed her eyes and closed the file.

“I couldn’t say, your honor.”

Ines couldn’t hide a smile. Clay Page, her stalwart bailiff, never offered an opinion on her mini-rants or complaints, but he could whip a courtroom in shape with a clap of his hands and a stern look.

“We might as well get this over with. Ines had no idea what to expect when she entered the courtroom. The giant sitting just behind the defendant’s table was new. The defendant was clean and well-dressed even if vivid tattoos flickered out of her collar. She’d obviously had a good image coach.

Ines tried to zoom through the complaint and opening arguments. She wanted to get to the witness testimony. IF there was going to be any heated confrontations that would be the time. The first witness was a clown, clumsy in large shoes but not in his impassioned pleas. The tumbler’s testimony erupted in an avalanche of words. Then after a series of more mundane experts and arguments, it was time.

“I appreciate the time and effort everyone has put into this,” she said. “But the letter of the law is clear. Though contracts are binding for terms of employment, they’re not meant to restrict personal freedom. And make no mistake, these are people not property. Find for the defendants. If they want to terminate their employment, they can. They’re not owned by the show. Damages to be determines tomorrow.”

Word Count: 235

Written: 7/28/17

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