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[Writing Post] Taking Needed Time Off

Posted by reudaly on October 11, 2017 in Life, Writing |

Oh, hey, look. It’s Wednesday. I’m taking some time off this weekend to unplug and recharge (long overdue). Actual time off not just go from one high energy event to another – again LONG overdue. I was one of those people who thought “self-care” was one of those “selfish” new agey concepts that wasn’t a “proper” use of time.

Um… yeah. I’m rethinking that. 😎 I’m also to a (new-to-me) point that I don’t have to hoard paid time off (or work extra hours in advance) in order to make sure I can get to conventions/events without getting dinged financially – and in a secure-enough feeling job that that stupid fear of “Oh, they’re going to figure out they don’t need me if I’m not there” is behind me after WAY, WAY too many years and experiences. I am going to take time off and ENJOY IT. Maybe one day take an ACTUAL VACATION (I’ve heard other people talk about this strange concept…time to experience it). We will start with time off – limited phones, no internet – pen and paper and a pile of reading material (hard copy and digital).

I have some writing projects that are niggling at my returning brainspace, so I’m taking some materials with me in case of Colossal Plot Bunny Rampage (next band name, you know it). But there’s no guilt. No pressure. When I get back to “normal life” I should be recharged, energized, and ready to tackle all the stuff waiting for me — Like WORLD FANTASY!

I have one panel at World Fantasy – plus the mass signing and Guest Liaison duties. Then there’s a comic con in Waxahachie, Texas that I have a table at – facing one of their media guests. Won’t know which one till I get there, I’m sure.


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