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[Write the Story] On the Campaign Trail

Posted by reudaly on August 3, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: On the Campaign Trail

Words: president, dove, tremble, column, united, secretary, impression, soup, milk, armor


“We must show a united front,” Galahad said, wiping soup from his neatly-trimmed beard. “We cannot let the secretary…”

“Oh, stop, Galahad.” Lance signed in his goblet of milk. “This is not the time for force. We must present the dove of peace.”

“Oh, for Heaven’s safe.” Gwen rubbed her face. “Would you two strap on your Big Boy Armor and just get in the column?”

Galahad and Lance sputtered and stuttered but took their places like they were told. Gwen didn’t care if they were being petulant brats as long as they gave the impression of a united front. It was hard enough having to make a show of force to a country that didn’t even have a proper monarch. They had a president or some other such nonsense. How did people pick someone to rule? Like a beauty contest or something? Preposterous!

“For Camelot and Arthur!” Gwen fought the tremble in her voice and sword arm. It wasn’t nerves, it was exhaustion from days on the road herding knights in the proper direction. But by the Heavens she would succeed. There would be a treaty or a surrender before she returned. Which was why Arthur sent her. Failure wasn’t in her vocabulary. She was well-versed in both methods.

Time to see which was mightier. The Pen or the Sword.

Word Count: 221

Written: 7/5/17

Note: After watching DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Camelot Episode

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