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[Writing Post] State of the Rhonda (again)

Posted by reudaly on August 2, 2017 in Life |

If you’re in Austin this weekend, please come out to ArmadilloCon and see me and a bunch of other amazing authors and artists! I can’t wait to be there and be part of such an amazing convention.

I was asked to be a speaker at smallCon on September 9, 2017. I’m so very excited to be part of this particular event.

Adults $25, Students 12-18 $5, 12 and under FREE! Use code “aug30” for 30% off all ticket prices!

smallCon 2017
September 9th at Addison Conference Center
And though she be but little, she is fierce!

Now, for the rest of it… apparently my warranty ran out on my last birthday. I am dealing with some relatively common but not fun health issues. I’m getting all the recommendations, getting all the information and developing the treatment options and plans. Since it seems to hit all at once, it’s been…distracting. I am fortunate to have a proactive health care professionals and supportive family. I am and will be all right but the distractions of life got in the way of some of the writing I “should” be doing. I have been managing to do some of the flash fiction exercises and day job stuff.

The takeaway? Stuff happens. You do what you can and keep going forward.

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