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[Pen/Pencil Review] Pilot G2 PenStylus 0.7mm Black Ink

Posted by reudaly on July 17, 2017 in Review, writing instruments |

The Pilot G2 is a classic and has been go to ink. It’s a classic that’s been around for ages, so what else is there to say about it? They’ve changed – or decorated – barrels. They’ve played a bit with point sizes, but overall the Pilot G2 is a Pilot G2. But this time they’ve added “tech” by creating the G2 PenStylus.

The PenStylus G2 has a charcoal gray casing with white dot accents and the classic grip matching the color of the ink. It runs just short of 5.75″. The rubber grip is pretty comfortable for an inexpensive, every day pen. But instead of the traditional push plunger retraction mechanism, the “plunger” is a stylus. The pen retracts by pushing down the molded plastic clip.

The ink is still awesome, the roller is smooth for a 0.7mm. The pen has good ink reservoirs with rich tint to the ink. The conical tip is smooth and lays down a solid line as expected from the line. The feel is good. The ink does seem to dry quickly as is traditional. The stylus works as expected on touch screens.

These are a bit more expensive – probably because of the stylus and they’re new. I almost got these on AmazonPrime Day, but found them cheaper in the Back-to-School aisle at Target. These are 2 pack for between $7 – $9, which makes them the more expensive G2.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 The ink is strong and comes in decent point sizes. The retraction mechanism is solid if different from what you expect. The stylus is functional.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s fairly basic retractable pen with a decent drip that hasn’t changed much over time, but it still gives a comfortable feel for long-term use.
3. Material1 – It’s rubberized plastic pen. It’s solid for what it is.
4. Overall Design1 – These are a standard. They’ve made basic changes to the design to accommodate the stylus.
5. Price Point0.5 – These run between $3.50 and $4.50 a pop which more than the regular G2s. They should be refillable, but I’m not seeing refills for these yet. If they do end up having the refills, then they will be a solid pen for everyday use.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.5

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  • Rosemary says:

    The Pilot G2 pens (I like the 0.5mm) are my go-to workhorse pen. I will sort through all 52 other pens in my bag in order to find one. I might actually use a stylus if it was on the back of one.

  • reudaly says:

    What I would do there — until they make the 0.5mm pen stylus (and lord willing the 0.38) is to get the 0.7 barrel and replace the ink with a 0.5mm. In fact I might do that in at least one of my stylus barrels. 😎 Maybe even change the color as well! Wooo… goin’ crazy over here.

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