[Writer Post] Countdown to Introvertedness
Oh, Wednesday… hi. How are you. Let’s talk about how my brain is totally in “SQUIRREL!” mode (for a number of reasons but it just is).
Saturday is my last event thing in my three months of constant motion. I have a panel about 1:15 pm at ArlingCon (a one day comic con event) on the UTA campus but sponsored by the Arlington Library. I have built a PowerPoint presentation and everything. Here’s hoping someone comes, considering the ArlingCon Facebook page has only featured costuming/costumers and vendors. We will have another discussion after this over about how writers and writing panels are NOT after thoughts, we are value-adds and maybe you should try advertising us as such. You’d think an even co-sponsored by a LIBRARY SYSTEM would not have to have this conversation. I just hope someone shows up for the panel.
Then I have three weeks (with TWO WHOLE WEEKENDS) with nothing planned before ArmadilloCon. And though I’m totally looking forward to ArmadilloCon, and will give it 110%, will need the time between July 16 and August 3 to have NOTHING ON MY CALENDAR (except church and maybe a haircut). Please don’t be offended if you invite us to something and we respectfully decline. I have no energy left. I need to recharge my Extrovert Batteries by letting the Introvert out for a while. It’s really for the Greater Good.
But the reason this is coming together a bit late today is because I had a monthly lunch meeting that helped tickle Ye Olde Brain Squirrels. There’s a lot about my Day Job that does feed the Plot Bunnies and my creative brain. This was one of those days. I was in a meeting with Law Enforcement that gave me all kinds of insight into a certain type of investigation.
It was also at the Federal Reserve Bank that 1) triggers 12 kinds of spy movie thoughts; 2) has a freakin’ museum and GIFT SHOP. I totally went to a meeting and played serious tourist. I totally bought stuff in the gift shop. And dang, folks, that building is NIIIIICCCCCEEEEEE! It really pays to print money. (Kidding). Kinda wish now I’d gotten the job I applied for there like two years ago.
Don’t get me wrong, I do love my current job, but I work in a cave – they have GARDENS.
And now to head out for the evening. So many plans. Just have to get through a few more days then blessed … NOTHING SPECIAL. Rest is important. I haven’t been a huge proponent of “self care” but starting to see the need, benefits, etc. Planning some time off later – maybe even a couple of mental health days. The viral article has me thinking about that more and more. And now that I’m in a place with decent leave time, I should really get out of the “but I have to save this for…” and use at least SOME OF IT for something other than conventions. We’ll see how that goes.