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[Writer Post] Is it Wednesday or Monday (Again)?

Posted by reudaly on July 5, 2017 in Writing |

Days are confusing this week with the holiday being on Tuesday. It’s kinda like there are two Mondays – but it’s not a pen review day (though it did get me looking up something to help organize pens, though it’ll never be on the same level ever to Jimmy. He has a blog binder for his pencil collection). But that’s not what Wednesdays are for (and darn it, it’s WEDNESDAY – not Monday, Part 2).

So, what’s going on with me? Well… first I had too much Day Job Brain, and not enough Creative Brain. Then there was a minor resurgence of Creative Brain with not enough Day Job Brain. Now, I’m trying to get to some kind of brain balance. I’m between deadlines EVERYWHERE – so there’s that (not really helping but now I can play with some projects, still be productive, and get that equilibrium back). It’s definitely a mark that the chaos of the last couple of months may be finally, finally coming to an end. Focus is a real thing, darn it!

Celebrated “Gotcha Days” for Loki and Freya. We adopted Loki seven years ago on July 4th and Freya two years ago on July 2nd. Main reasons are 1) long weekend (ish) to integrate into family; 2) it was about three months after the passing of elder pets; and 4) it’s kinda cool to give the freedom of a forever home to a critter on Independence Day (ish).

Saw Despicable Me 3 on Sunday. Those goofy movies make me happier than they probably should, but I do love them. Steve Carrell is one of the few “modern” SNL actors that I actually appreciate his work overall. He’s crazy talented in a variety of ways. I don’t necessarily LIKE Angie Tribeca but I appreciate what they’re doing with it and how they’re doing it. And Gru is an awesome character with growth and depth. It’s more than Minions (though they’re awesome, too). It’s a cute movie, go see it.

So now we continue to move forward. To commit words on paper – even if it’s editing what I already have and trying to make new words. Or, as in what happened yesterday – typing stuff into the computer. It’s all part of the process. This weekend is going to be busy, but it’s all around home. No more travel until the first week in August. YAY!!!! I was never happier than when the suitcases got put away.

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1 Comment

  • Scott says:

    Yep, holidays make for weird weeks: two Mondays, two Wednesdays, two Fridays.

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