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[Write the Story] Big Time Deals in the Big City

Posted by reudaly on June 23, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: Big Time Deals in the Big City

Words: feud, philosophy, palace, finger, scandal, skyscraper, complacent, handle, crawl, challenge


“Beware of any challenge, my mama always told me.”

“Would you please try not to embarrass us any further? Do you want everyone thinking we’ve need seen a skyscraper?” Mather wagged a finger at his fellow traveler. “You’re acting like this is a palace. It’s a city, and we’re just here to handle business.”

Bandur ignored his cousin as they made their way through the teeming streets at a crawl. He gawked and pointed at oddities with Mather slapping his arm at every turn. “Cousin, you are too complacent about the wonders around us! Enjoy the bounty! Open your mind!”

“Enough of your foolish philosophy. We’re here to trade for supplies. That’s it. Our families are depending on us.”

Such a simple, straightforward thought proved to be more difficult than Mather knew. The bars and inns around the market spoke little of business and much of the Mayor’s scandal sending the city into a fevered feud with a neighboring community. Mather despaired until Bandur dropped coin and keys in front of him.

“What did you do?” Mather demanded.

“Sometimes it does pay to be in a backwater. We are transporting goods and people away from a war zone. All for a few promises of clean air and honest work. And we’ve all the supplies we need.

Mather had nothing to say.

Word Count: 221

Written: 5/23-25/17

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