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[Writer Post] SOONERCON 26!!!!! WHEEE!!!!!

Posted by reudaly on June 21, 2017 in Conventions, Writing |

SoonerCon starts in 48 hours (ish). This is an awesome show. You should come.

Here’s my schedule – this is subject to last minute changes. When I’m not in one of these places, I’ll either be eating or probably at the Yard Dog Press table in the dealer’s room. If you want something signed, or one of my independently produced projects, come find me. If I blow past you, it’s probably because I’m trying to get to one of those places or have to use the restroom. I don’t mean to be rude. Hope to see you there.

FRI-8PM-Ballroom D
YardDog Press Traveling Road Show
(watch me make a fool of myself in the name of interpretive dance or other hilarity)

(watch us all become slowly human through the consumption of caffeine)

SAT-11AM-Ballroom E
Strong Women are Star Wars
(watch me talk outside my major fandom – BUT TIMOTHY ZAHN!)

SAT-1PM-YardDog Table – Dealer’s Room
(I will sign anything but a blank check!)

(not a psychic one)

Are You Funny?
(you be the judge – BUT JODY LYNN NYE!!!!)

Star Trek’s Diplomatic All-Stars
(watch me talk about my major fandom!)

Practical Benefits of the Zombie Apocalypse
(Just hilarity ensuing)

This show is the last of the six weeks or so of what seems to be marathon traveling and stuff. I’m getting back to committing word counts and stuff. Hopefully the giant thud you’ll hear about 2 pm on Sunday won’t necessarily being me falling down — but it could be. But I’m getting my butt back in gear and looking forward to seeing folks in Oklahoma.

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