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[Write the Story] Magic Interferes with New Orleans

Posted by reudaly on May 19, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: Magic Interferes with New Orleans

Words: matriarch, throat, impossible, vinegar, apology, slice, microwave, raspberry, choose, snore


Father Richard Leloup carefully placed the massive tome on his desk. The microwave dinged in the corner. He took out the bubbling cup of hot water and added the raspberry tea bag. He hoped it would help his scratchy throat as he opened the book. An envelope slid out. He sliced the seal and removed the page. Suddenly his tea tasted like vinegar.

Beware! Before you choose to continue this path, know the peril before you!

Magic may seem as commonplace as a snore to you now, but it wasn’t always such. There was once a time when magic seemed impossible. This, before you, is the history of magic in New Orleans. From the time it began until my end, for it is ever-growing, ever-evolving, ever-devouring the city I love. Make no mistake, magic will be the end of New Orleans for it feeds off greed, depravity, all the things that New Orleans make no apology for.

Continue your quest at your own risk. Magic has a life of its own, and it’s darker than most souls. Your soul will be at risk.

Leloup stared at the page signed by Marie Leveau, voodoo matriarch herself. He felt a shiver race down his spine and fear spike in his chest, but it was too late to turn back now. He had to find a way to use magic to defeat magic before everyone in New Orleans died. He couldn’t let that happen.

Word Count: 241
Written: 4/17/17

Note: I wrote a story for DIRTY MAGIC: NEW ORLEANS. This piece is in that universe.
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