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[Pen/Pencil Review] Sakura Ballsign Knock Gel Pen – 0.4 mm – 5 Color Set

Posted by reudaly on February 6, 2017 in Review, writing instruments |

Here we go. Pen review day. Woo hoo! I’m getting stuff done on schedule again! Let’s hope I can maintain! This is a multi-pack of Sakura Ballsign retractable gel pens in the 0.4mm tip.

These are an interesting line of pen. These are slimline retractable gel pens but with a bow at the grip to make the grip diameter wider and easier to handle. The grip part of the barrel is tinted the ink color, but the rest of the barrel is transparent. The ink is smooth and rich in a long refill that makes the barrel seem to have an inner color match lining, but it’s actually the ink barrel with a lining.

The plunger to the pen does have a color match lining with a slight ridge to the end cap. The retraction mechanism is solid. The clip is small but seems strong. I don’t foresee the clip snapping off unless you fiddle with it for an extensive amount of time. The pen runs just over 5.25” long both retracted and point extended.

The line is thin, obviously, it’s a 0.4mm – which I like – with a conical tip. The colors are rich and dark for such a thin line and these are the “classic” colors – red, orange, green, blue, and black. They do come in specialty inks – like metallic, but I like to start classic. It works well on regular paper as well as the homemade journal paper I’m also currently using. It’s comfortable in the hand even without much in the terms of ergonomics. I foresee it working for quite a while.

The numbers:
1. How does it work?1 It’s decent. The retraction mechanism is solid. The tip and line are smooth and solid.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – This is no frills plastic retractable pen. The grip is slightly wider than the barrel but that’s all the nod to ergonomics it has. The barrel is slim, which might not appeal to some.
3. Material1 It’s a no frills plastic retractable pen, but it’s solidly built and cool looking plastic retractable pen.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s a cool looking, well-writing pen. With such a fine point, it’s sometimes difficult to get a solid line. This does very well. The clip, though small, is sturdy, and the mechanism solid.
5. Price Point0.5 – It’s a touch on the expensive side. These run $2.70 each – or $13.50 for 5 (no discount for multiples) and only available through an outlet like JetPens. They do come in a variety of colors and multipacks.

4.0 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

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