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[Conventions] ConDFW Schedule

Posted by reudaly on February 4, 2017 in Conventions |

My ConDFW Schedule starting next Friday, February 10, 2017

Rhonda Eudaly

Friday, 5pm: Rhonda Eudaly, Patricia Burroughs
Friday, 6pm: How Many Last Jedis Are There?
Panelists: Tracy S. Morris (M), Mark Finn, Rhonda Eudaly, Michael Ashleigh Finn, T. M. Hunter, Bradley
H. Sinor
We all know the title of the upcoming Star Wars VIII film to be “The Last Jedi”. However, Jedi seem to grow like weeds in the novels – Order 66 got a lot of them, but there were always those few who hid on Coruscant, or Dagobah, or on a ship sent out of the galaxy, or…you get the drift. It’s time to speculate and debate on the Star Wars Universe. Try not to wreck the room with lightsabers.
Saturday, 10am: Unlikely Sources of Inspiration

Panelists: A. Lee Martinez (M), Gloria Oliver, Lillian Stewart Carl, Rhonda Eudaly, Patricia Burroughs,
William Ledbetter
In this day and age of the Internet and wide exposure to many cultures, there are plenty of strange and unlikely sources to inspire you to write, draw, costume or even perform. From anime to webcomics to taking bus trips to strange locations, the human condition can express itself in many ways. Our panelists relate some of the more unlikely ways they get inspiration.
Saturday, 12pm: The Best Books Nobody Ever Heard Of

Panelists: Patricia Burroughs (M), Carole Nelson Douglas, Rhonda Eudaly, A. Lee Martinez, Dantzel
Cherry, Paul Black
The primary rule of this panel is this: NO SELF PROMOTION. Bring examples, and audience participation is welcome as well! Be prepared to be grilled ruthlessly on why you like the book, of course! Bring paper and pen so you can take notes, and hopefully you’ll find some great reads.
Saturday, 2pm:
Rhonda Eudaly, Patricia Burroughs, Michelle Muenzler, Beth Teliho
Saturday, 4pm: Redheads of the Apocalypse

Panelists: Rhonda Eudaly, Julia S. Mandala, Linda Donahue, Dusty Rainbolt, Mark Finn
The always entertaining Four Redheads of the Apocalypse talk about their latest publication, as well as many other topics!
Saturday, 8pm: Yard Dog Road Show!

Panelists: Christopher Donahue, Linda Donahue, Rhonda Eudaly, Melanie Fletcher, K. Hutson, William
Ledbetter, Julia Mandala, Tracy Morris, Ethan Nahte, Gloria Oliver, Teresa Patterson, Dusty Rainbolt, Rie
Sheridan Rose, Bradley Sinor, Sue Sinor, Mel White
The fantastic authors of the Yard Dog Press put on their always entertaining Road Show! Make sure not to miss this.
Sunday, 11am: What Tickles Your Funny Bone?

Panelists: Melanie Fletcher (M), Rhonda Eudaly, Paul Black, K. B. Bogen, Tracy S. Morris
From simple fart jokes to more esoteric strangeness such as Dirk Gently, humor is always subjective. Thus, let’s find out what our panelists think is funny, and see if the audience agrees! Of course, vice versa also applies.

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