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[Writer Post] The Convention That Was

Posted by reudaly on January 4, 2017 in Conventions, Writing |

Welcome to the first Wednesday of 2017. Time for new beginnings and new ‘tudes. Hopefully some new habits and productivity. There’s a lot going on in the next few months, but I’m dedicated to making it all work – because honestly, there’s not much choice in the matter. Failure isn’t really an option – but there are degrees of success. So, here we go, once more into the breach.

Merley the Cosplay Dog. There are not enough Cosplay dogs in the world.

I will cap out 2016 by addressing the topical elephant in the room – Marvelous Nerd Years Eve. There was good. There was bad. There was ugly. My ugly wasn’t nearly as ugly as others.

See? Though Underdog wasn’t having it on Sunday.

The Good – Nichelle Nichols is EVERY BIT as beautiful, gracious, kind… add every glowing adjective you can think of here… as every story you’ve ever heard about her. And she LOVES butterscotch triple chocolate chip cookies. Every Animaniac voice actor (especially Maurice LaMarche and Jess Harnell) are brilliant, lovely, talented people who even chat with fan girl guests.

Jess Harnell signing a Rock Sugar CD for Meredith!

But most especially, the boots on the ground that came together around Devin Pike to make this show something entertaining for those who came. They pulled major miracles. Devin Pike nearly killed himself to make this work. There were people who tried VALIANTLY to keep Devin Pike from not actually physically DYING while trying to fix this show. Sadly… there were so many things Devin’s Army couldn’t control or fix though they tried to make it all less visible.

Neil Kaplan – voice actor and selfie taker extrordinaire.

The beautiful handful of people who came to my panels, listened to me ramble, asked questions and were all around good eggs.

Sunday’s panel – and the awesome people (a few more trickled in) who showed up!

The Bad – If you want to know the basic issues? See my post about the OKC Geek Expos show. Many of the same issues – lack of signage directing people anywhere, split levels that confused folks, etc. And, frankly, the show was too long, too expensive, and at a poor time of the year for it. It was one of those IDEAS that was brilliant on paper but didn’t quite materialize. Attendees steadfastly made NO EYE CONTACT with artists and vendors for fear they’d buy something.

Lack of consistent communication amongst staff. Not everyone knew what VIP passes, Guest Badges, or other perks meant.

Some signage.

The Ugly – The seemingly lack of regard/respect for the “University” side of the programming track by SOME upper level staff. Starting with having to push to get the tables promised to writer/artist guests – which was the only “payment” most of us received for providing hour long panels/presentations. The panel room assignment was changed the week before the convention with no notification to us (we had to check the website and the wall signs) to a room that doubled as a dance party room. Only ONCE was the room actually set for a traditional panel, and on that day I was told I got a little excited about making it so, it was being taken care of (I cut that guy some slack, he’d just gotten laid off from the convention) AFTER they’d set up the Speed Dating room. I had to shoo dancers and speed daters out of the room for my panel. One author canceled one of her panels because the hotel was taking out tables and chairs to set up for the dance party that night. And I personally helped set up chairs so the third author could hold her panel after we had to shoo out the sound and light crew. But for the most part, we did what we agreed to do – we held panels. We gave presentations. It’s what we signed on to do.

Sleeping Beauty Cosplay and a Leia.

This is IN SPITE OF being a guest of the convention, listed in programming, and advertised on the front page. It’s one thing to know you’re not the draw (or the financial responsibility) as one of the actors. It’s another to basically have your nose rubbed in it like an unhousebroken puppy. It’s one thing for certain staffers to think or believe authors are a waste of space or resources, but this was so very overt. RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM go a long way – and yes, both directions. But for the most part, we writers did what we agreed to do – we held panels. We gave presentations. It’s what we signed on to do.

Future con runners! LEARN FROM THIS. I will go to hell and back with Devin Pike. If he ever does a show again, I’ll support him. The crew behind THIS show? Never again. I know who they are. I know where they’re based. I gave them a second chance with this show because of Devin. Twice bitten, baby. Twice bitten. I may not totally give up on pop culture events, but I will have major trust issues.

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