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[Writer Post] Taking a Trip to Oz

Posted by reudaly on November 2, 2016 in Life, Writing |

Maybe the Wizard can give me a brain. I admit to being completely disjointed and unfocused for the last couple of weeks. My concentration has been crap. Creative output? A complete farce. I mention this because it’s NANOMO – or NANOWRIMO – whichever. It’s National Novel Writing Month, and I laugh in its general direction.
There are many things I hope to accomplish in November – like shedding the mantel of Snot Monster (yay allergies!) is high on the list. I’m sure that has Nothing. At. ALL. With the lack of brain. I have several things pending at the Day Job – not the least of which is a major deadline and a week-long training in another state. Writing 50K words on a new project? Yeah, not going to happen.

So what am I going to do? There’s still quite a bit of typing to do on existing projects. I’m going back to a collaborative project that’s been languishing that’s been in a rewrite/editing mode for a while and needs finishing. But that should help jump start some brain cells. The same with the typing on the existing and yet unfinished project. I fell off the story, so that should help me get back on track for that.

Sadly, I think I’m going to have to bail on a market that I was hoping to get a piece done for – unless one of those “WRITE ME NOW!” stories hits me in the next couple of days (hahahahahahahahahaha) or a week. Sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses. Right now, that lovely little themed anthology being edited by a friend just isn’t happening (Sorry, Viv). Granted the deadline isn’t until the end of the year, so it could happen, I suppose.

Hopefully everything will clear up in a big burst of mental sunlight and burn away the fog. But for now, I’m going to keep muddling through and seeing where I go from here. But for now… Ray Bolger said it best:

I could while away the hours
Conferrin’ with the flowers,
Consulting with the rain;
And my head I’d be a scratchin’
While my thoughts are busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain.

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