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[Pen/Pencil Blog] EB Felt Tip Pen

Posted by reudaly on September 12, 2016 in Review, writing instruments |

Starting my inventory and looking through to see what pens I might’ve missed over time. This is one of them. The EF Felt Tip pen in black – EF stands for Eberhard Faber. This pen is old – so old, I can’t find it online much. Even Amazon says it’s Out of Stock with no date on restocking. The site is geared toward kids’ art supplies.
This pen runs about 5.6″ long with the cap on. It’s a snap on cap that’s pretty darn secure, which is good because fiber tips will dry out if you’re not careful. It’s 6.25″ long with the cap posted. It’s light but well-balanced. It has a good diameter with no frills. The tip is a 0.85mm – which is a bold line – good making signs or when you need your writing to be truly noticed. The black ink really is bold and rich – just be careful, it’s a water-based ink – so it will wash out of clothes, hands and smear if you drip on it.
Yet, overall, if you’re an artist, or someone who likes a bold fiber tip? This is something you should definitely check out. If you can find them. I have a couple, but I don’t know if you can find them anymore. There’s a similar one on but it’s got a different point. They look like they run about $8 a dozen if you can find them.
The numbers:

1. How does it work?0.5 It’s decent. No frills. The bold line to the fiber tip makes me think I’m going to hurt the tip, because I’m heavy handed, but some people might like that.
2. Grip and feel1 – For being a no-frills pen, it’s pretty comfortable. It doesn’t have a cushioned grip, but it has decent diameter and balance.
3. Material1 It is what it is. A disposable, non-refillable “marker” type pen, but made with 80% recycled plastic, so there’s not as much guilt for throwing it away when it’s empty.
4. Overall Design0.5 -It’s a basic fiber point pen. It’s not a full on marker, but it’s not an everyday writing pen – unless you like really bold lines, then GO FOR IT. It’s all plastic, so if you’re a fidgeter, it’s likely you’ll snap off the pocket clip.
5. Price Point0 – They run less than a dollar to just over IF YOU CAN FIND THEM. Apparently they’ve been discontinued… so…oops.

3 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 3.0

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