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[Writing Post] And hey…It’s Wednesday

Posted by reudaly on August 10, 2016 in Books, Writing |

Yes, this day nearly got away from me. But here I am once again, getting a blog post in. These four day work weeks are AWESOME for the long weekends, but heck on knowing what day it is.

We spent a lovely weekend in south Texas – beyond San Antonio – in the middle of nowhere. We got to see some amazing scenery both on the trip down through the Hill Country and while we were in south Texas. And that triggered a plot bunny (or two). We’ll see how that turns out, since there’s an awesome anthology I want to submit to soon.

This same trip gave me a detail or two for another ongoing project.

What it didn’t give me was a word count. I own that, even though I took stuff with me and I did LOOK at said ongoing project – I really needed the time to decompress and disconnect. I haven’t had that in a while.

But since I’ve been back there’s been “back on the horse”-ing. I’m doing my darnedest to make my September 1st deadline, but I’m not sure it’s going to happen. /sigh Because, of course, I keep getting stuck on stupid little things like coming up with names for characters.
I have been reading – quite a bit during the trip. I thoroughly enjoyed Shanna Swendson’s Rebel Mechanics (had to go order the sequel – Rebel Magisters). I re-read J. Kathleen Cheney’s The Seer’s Choice and then her newest novella – Whatever Else. It’s different but just as well put together.
Now it’s time to put the finishing touches on the latest Redheads of the Apocalpyse book before our 10th Anniversary Bash at FenCon in September. See you there!

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