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[Writer Post] Brain is Fried

Posted by reudaly on March 30, 2016 in Books, Writing |

I wish I had something to talk about today. But I don’t. This is a marathon week in the Day Job and though I’m getting writing work done, it’s clean up work or editing. There have been a few new words, but I’m doing what I can. I have a short story due very soon. I need to wrestle it ito submission.

Royalties are coming in. Tarbox had a very good showing. THANK YOU. But because I’ve not been overly active in pushing the chapbook ebooks – those have been, well, sad (and that’s on me). Huh, I might want to make stickers to put on my business cards with the Amazon Author Page link. That might help.

Saturday if you’re in West DFW, I’ll have a table at the Weatherford Comic Con. It’s 11-4 outside the Knights of Pythian Hall. There will be other familiar faces – and it’s a new part of town, but I have some reservations. We’ll see how it goes. Then maybe I’ll have something to write about next week.

But now to crash before a very long day tomorrow. Then a FenCon Meeting on Sunday after the thing on Saturday. Whee!

Busy. Busy. Busy – OH and allergy season, so there’s been THAT to deal with. SO ATTRACTIVE.

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