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[Writer Post] Ducks and Rows

Posted by reudaly on October 7, 2015 in Books, Conventions, Writing |

Wednesday blog day… and wow, look, ducks EVERYWHERE and not a single row in sight. But I have an amazing snuggle buddy while I try to accomplish something. And sometimes there are two! It’s been a little over three months, glad they’re starting to rest together as well as play together.
Loki 2015
My SF geek heart did a little pitter-pat this past Saturday. I found out through the Day Job that Buzz Aldrin was doing a book signing at the CR Smith Museum (which is a history of American Airlines flight museum). He was supposed to be there from 10 am – 2 pm and we got there just before 10 am and the line was staggering. Apparently a majority of the people for the line was there before the museum opened – but I don’t care. How many times do I have the opportunity to meet someone who actually walked on the MOON? Walked in SPACE, we got that covered, but the MOON??? It was worth the hour and a half in the line for 15 seconds of “Thank you for your service and being a major inspiration.” He actually looked up! Teensy weensy brush with history, and I’m a big ole fangirl. And was on camera waxing all philosophical and such about the fact there were people there from 8 months to 88 years old – and every age in between. Parents and grandparents bringing little kids, teenagers, adults. So awesome to see.
Now, I have to do what I do. I’m doing some chore typing this week to get some stuff in my notebook into the computer. I’m behind on that as well as adding wondrous new words to a couple of projects. I also have to figure out what I should do for the next book in my space opera universe (because there might need/get to be another one).
My next show in a couple of weeks – Tyler Rose City Comic Con. I had a blast last year, looking forward to this year. Then the last show of the year is The Stan Lee Foundation – We <3 Art show at the Dallas Main Public Library on Saturday, November 7th for We Heart Art: Creating New Worlds event. This is going to be an AMAZING event. Come check us out!

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