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[Writer Post] Glutton for Punishment

Posted by reudaly on June 3, 2015 in Life, Writing |

Hey, lookee there, for one brief moment my head was actually above water – mostly figuratively. But since I’ve been dealing with flood stuff (part of the Day Job) for nearly a month, it’s also a wee bit literal. Our house and family is dry and safe – for the record.

I’ve started getting a handle on the newer aspects of the Day Job through this event, and have the barest bones of a plan, but it’s a start, which makes me happy. The plan can develop and change – as all good plans should. At least it’s not chaos. I’m not a fan of it. K.A.O.S. yes, uncontrolled … stuff… not so much (and bonus points for the reference).

Right now, I have a couple of looming deadlines and a couple of looming conventions. (Really can’t wait to get back to conventions. I miss them.) So what have I done? One, not work on the two pieces under deadline today – I wrote a flash fiction piece, which if all works out, I’ll say more about later. I’ve also agreed to help Tex Thompson with the ApolloCon writer’s workshop – because, well, it’s Tex. She asked so very nicely with all kinds of flowery compliments. It’s really, really hard to say no to her – especially since she’s bribing me with coffee (the workshop starts at 9 am on Saturday of ApolloCon).

The other thing is less pressing, but will come about sooner than I would like, and that’s being a judge for a short story contest for a Comic Book Show in East Texas in October (plenty of time to panic over that). Normally, I wouldn’t go anywhere near something like that (once bitten and all), but I’m trying to break into doing panels and/or moderating (in a Devin Pike-type role) in the Comic Book Shows. They’re willing to give me some panels and then asked this of me. I said yes – to be a team player and show I’m willing to pay some dues (at least that’s how I see it).

So yay! Busy again. Lots to do in June. It will all get done. I will activate my Go-Go Gadget Time Management skills. And in so saying, I’ve never been more tempted to order some DEATH WISH COFFEE to get me through the month – the last of the Redheads of the Apocalypse rewrites (which are going apace).


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