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[Writer Post] Coherency – Hopefully, It’s What’s For Dinner

Posted by reudaly on April 22, 2015 in Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday. I know it’s late, but there have been other things on my mind this week. If you follow me on Facebook, you know what’s going on because you’re being inundated with photos and videos of our Elder Dog. I’m distracted and not going to apologize for it.

At least it’s not the Hugos.

I had one of those shows this past weekend. The North Texas Comic Book Show this weekend was lightly attended. Sales…were…light. It’s one of the only times I didn’t at least make the table cost. Nor was I alone. I hope some of the ideas we bandied around get back to the organizer. There are ways to make this show (theoretically) better and more relevant while keeping it cost effective. I know this could’ve been affected by TABLE 2 (a gaming expo) and any number of other events in the area, but that has to be a factor – as well as the high dollar shows that are coming up in few weeks that many might be saving money for.

Don’t get me started on the high dollar shows. There’s going to be a breaking point coming. Fans and Creators are not ATMs for these commercial organizations who think charging a premium for…just about everything – tables, admission, VIP status, assembly line photo shoots, and (though I understand why actors charge for autographs) I’m sure the shows have provided some “guidance” on what to charge (because I’ve known SEVERAL who’ve ‘waived the fee’ for a wide variety of reasons and/or use the convention funds for charity) … is a viable, long-term business model. When I did have a table at the commercial shows – because I need the outlets – there was a minor gut punch whenever I offered to sign a book someone bought and their immediate reaction was either “is it extra?” or “how much is it?”. NOTHING! I stole a motto: “You bought the book, the least I can do is sign it”. Something will break eventually – and I don’t think that time is that far away.

I have no solutions. Heck, if I did – that would mean I could probably make a fortune, which I haven’t. But much like publishing, this is an evolving industry. No one knows how it’s all going to fall out. Hopefully with writers and artists being able to make a living wage of their creations.

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1 Comment

  • Michael Ashleigh Finn says:

    This has all happened before. It will all happen again.

    Case in point: Phoenix Entertainment was formed many years ago under the shadow of the “charge-you-for-everything-cons” (who also have a habit of sequestering guests) under the idea that cons should be for fans, not the pocketbook. It succeeded tremendously…their first con was Project A-kon 1. Many of the major cons in the DFW area (and for a long time, Aggie con) are run by (or started by, etc) people who “grew up” working for Phoenix, with this mentality.

    So the nickle-and-dime-and-hide-theguests* cons are coming back, as tides do. And the for-the-fans cons are still here, gathering momentum again…..

    *We’re not talking about the guests who wish to only show at their appearances. Not all guests are going to want to go out hang. Just talking about the cons who have a policy of The Guest Shall Only Go Out When Contracted.

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