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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Semikolon Sticky Tabs and Flags

Posted by reudaly on April 20, 2015 in Review |

This week’s review is more a ‘tool of the trade’ than a pen review. There’ s some real life stuff happening that is…distracting, but I don’t want to totally let this slide. There were a couple pictures of some stick tabs and flags that I got for Christmas from Semikolon via Container Store. They were stocking stuffer purchases one year.
I really use these lot, especially the tabs. They let me mark story points and ideas in random notebooks. They work like file folder tabs -and if there are multiple stories, the rainbow of colors let me code different things with or without writing on the tabs. The flags are thinner than most sticky flags, and with a bit more plastic feel. They make good markers, and they can color code the same as the tabs.
These are actually still available on Container Store.Com for about $8 a piece. They’re worth it. Unless you use the heck out of these, you’re going to be using them for more than a year. I know I have. The tabs and flags are set in a heavy cardboard folders. I’ve only had ONE set of tabs come apart from the notebooks in probably two years? They’re secure and sturdy.

If you need to organize thoughts and such? These are for you. I really don’t think you can get better quality for less money. You can definitely get lower quality while spending a lot more.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 They’re good, solid sticky tabs and flag. They stick, they mark spots on paper.
2. Grip and feel1 – Good adhesion to the tabs and flags without marking the paper.
3. Material0/5 The tabs are paper – they can tear. The flags are plastic-y, so ink can smear if you TRY to write on them.
4. Overall Design1 – I LOVE THESE. Love them. Use them all the time. Especially the tabs.
5. Price Point1 – Might seem high at $8, but there’s plenty of pieces, the notebook they come in is sturdy. They’re GREAT.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.5

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