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[Writer Post] More Kerfuffle. Now with Trolls

Posted by reudaly on April 15, 2015 in Life |

Happy Wednesday… it’s been a trying week. On many levels. We’ve been doing “Homeowner-ish” things – requiring an 8lb sledgehammer (outside). I kinda wish I could take the same sledgehammer to the internet. The trolls have abounded this week.

The Hugo Kerfuffle won’t die (and won’t die until September). I’ve given up reading anything about it because … in almost anything you can find some middle ground. There is no middle ground here. Like general politics – it’s mostly passionate opinions and some name calling. I am so very, very glad that my Campbell eligibility came and went with no fanfare (much less a nomination) because anyone involved with this year’s award is “tainted” (a word I hear bandied about). I understand the positions some are taking – because of the rabid few – and I’m completely afraid of the fall out.

I kind of feel like a child caught between warring parents. I have friends and colleagues on BOTH sides of this issue. I appreciate the work BAEN has done and still does for writers – regardless of political ideology. I love seeing how excited Kevin J. Anderson is by FINALLY having some Hugo appreciation (even “tainted” as it is). And he’s doing AMAZING things with Word Fire Press with Cat Rambo’s first novel and the bundle deal he’s got going on. But yes, the actions and words of just a few are going to cast a pall on what should be a good thing – and the fact they’re…gleeful (I am trying hard not to say “gloat”)…that those who find the slate problematic are going to have to recognize them with nominee pins and loser parties to somehow rub it in … that’s crass and beneath us all.

I wish I could just say… GET OVER IT. Be adults. Be professional. But geez, that ship’s sailed. So I’m going to go back and write for Yard Dog some more – or on my own – because we write awesome stuff without the political bull crap. At least when we act like idiots in public, it’s in the Road Show…on purpose… for entertainment value only, and I’m really, really okay with that.

So if you want something to read that isn’t on any slate, has no bearing on anything going on? Go check out Yard Dog Press. We have quality books on paper and electronically. If you want to buy in person? I’m going to be at the North Texas Comic Book Show this weekend – followed by ApolloCon in Houston and SoonerCon in OKC in June.

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