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[Writer Post] Back to Normal & Author Solutions

Posted by reudaly on March 11, 2015 in Writing |

Hello, Wednesday… I need to do a blog post. And clean my house. And get some other things done that I’ve set aside for sake of the book. But the book is done and back with Yard Dog for copyedits and cover art. I’ll let you all know when I know more. Before that, hopefully, I’ll have a new short story out. I sold a story entitled, “Knowledge is Power” to Charlie Brown for his anthology, Dirty Magick: New Orleans. I think it should be out this Spring.

Author Solutions is in the news again – the class action law suit is gearing up again. This company has its fingers in everything self-publishing in the “old, bad” ways. They over-promise and under-deliver “services” to unsuspecting authors. But what made them truly heinous was how they’ve managed to worm their way into legitimate, “traditional” publishing houses (Harlequin and Penguin) as a “way to get noticed” by these Big House Publishers without actually, you know, doing that. Author Solutions is, in my opinion, even worse than Publish America, because of this “partnering” with companies like Penguin – and Nook, and other companies without divulging their identity except in teeny tiny print. This makes Author Solutions seem a lot more legitimate than they are. Those imprints? Never saw the light of day inside those Big Houses, and yet unsuspecting or naïve writers probably showered thousands to millions of dollars with this company to do…nothing. I wish the lawsuit luck.

Just…if it sounds too good to be true, it is. If the company asks YOU for money, run. And never, ever let anyone convince you there’s a short cut. Because there’s not one. You have to put in the time and the effort. Which reminds me, I need to get back to work.

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