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[Writer Post] SFWA’s New Shoes – and Novel Edits

Posted by reudaly on February 4, 2015 in Life |

I posted my ConDFW schedule yesterday. I’m delving into my solo novel edits now. So really busy. But will mention this one thing that happened in the SF professional community…

SFWA has changed their bylaws to change their Active Membership guidelines. Many are hailing it as a massive step forward because it “Allows for self-published and small press” credits. I’m one of the few who thinks it’s a smaller step than many are saying.

One, there’s still a list of “qualifying” and “non-qualifying” markets – so even if you meet the criteria now for sales numbers (which they’re in their rights to set as a benchmark – they’re a “professional organization” not a “writer’s group”) you can probably still be turned down for membership of your small press is on the “non-qualifying” list.

The numbers are what they are. What is not mentioned is what sales reports they’ll accept for proof of income. Is it JUST advance/royalty/combo? Will they take convention and signing sales into account? You see, I make royalties on books I sell through Yard Dog Press either online or through THEIR BOOTH at conventions. The conventions and shows I do on my own? I buy stock from the publisher but don’t earn royalties. Do those sales count? I haven’t seen a response to that yet.

They’ve also raised the pro rate per word for short fiction – which means there will be fewer markets and slots for the meager raise. (Yeah, pro rates are still ridiculously low.) So that’s going to be fun.

Many have speculated on how/why this came about. I don’t really care – it’s a step in the right direction – and one that still won’t apply to me any time soon. I have ONE qualifying sale under the old rules. Don’t know when I’ll get the next one. I really wish they’d consider a body of work kind of thing. But until then? I’ll watch. I’ll write. And in some people’s eyes (very few who might read this, but a couple of the Old School Corp) I’ll continue to be less of a professional – but happy.

Now let me get back to work on my novel. Rewrites/edits aren’t going to do themselves (darn it).

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